Open maxbriliant opened 3 years ago
Can you please post the version of the URI
module you have? Maybe there was a change there...
perl -MURI -e "print URI->VERSION"
Locally I have URI 5.09 and it works here.
Also, what version of WWW::Mechanize::Chrome are you using?
Hey Max, Thanks for the Quick Reply here.
5.09 is the version of my URI 0.67 is the version of WWW::Mechanize::Chrome
Installed: 0.67
CPAN: 0.67 up to date
Max Maischein (CORION)
Somehow the used Perl library - is located in /home/$USER/perl5/.. That might be a hint to some miss-configuration?
Greetings, Max
These are the versions that I expect. Maybe the output of Chrome is unexpected in some way...
Can you please run your test program with the logging level set to trace
? If you don't have a small program, the following should produce the output of Chrome to the console as well:
use strict;
use warnings;
use WWW::Mechanize::Chrome;
use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->new(
autodie => 1,
# I don't expect to get here...
print "Program completed OK\n";
Actually, this problem occurs (for me now too) when an instance of Chrome is still open and Chrome was not launched with the --remote-debugging-port
The following program creates a separate Chrome instance that does not share cookies etc. and should always start for you. I think I will have to improve the error message for when there is no ws://
URL found anyway....
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Temp 'tempdir';
use WWW::Mechanize::Chrome;
use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
my $tempdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->new(
autodie => 1,
data_directory => $tempdir,
# I don't expect to get here...
print "Program completed OK\n";
I believe, we have the same output here -
2021/08/15 22:18:46 Spawning for websocket $VAR1 = [
2021/08/15 22:18:46 Spawned child as 16502, communicating via websocket
Can't locate object method "port" via package "URI::_generic" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.28.1/WWW/Mechanize/ line 1033.
Letting Perl open a fresh Chrome Session does the Trick - Maybe i'll get the Job done, though - My intention is to listen on and read my open Tabs to count and log certain pages in a service manner.
The Open Remote Debugging Port Chrome Sessions are handled by Mechanize::Chrome with the same Error in line 1033.
Greetings, Max
The following program works for me, connecting to a running Chrome instance (and for this test, also launching the Chrome instance):
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use WWW::Mechanize::Chrome;
use Log::Log4perl ':easy';
# Launch our local Chromium, to get a current session
system("chromium '--remote-debugging-port=9222' '--remote-debugging-address=' '--enable-automation' &"
) == 0
or die;
# Give Chrome time to start up
sleep 2;
# And now try to connect to it, without crashing
my $ok = eval {
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize::Chrome->new(
autodie => 1,
port => 9222,
my $error = $@;
is $ok, 1, "We connected to Chromium";
is $error, '', "No error while connecting";
The trick is that the second instance needs to know the debug port used by the first instance.
=> Can't locate object method "port" via package "URI::_generic" at .../perl/5.28.1/WWW/Mechanize/ line 1033.
Is this a temporary Bug or did I just miss to install the certain module?
Installed modules are: Algorithm::Diff Algorithm::Loops App::cpanminus CAM::PDF CGI Capture::Tiny Class::Accessor Class::Method::Modifiers Crypt::RC4 Data::Dump Devel::Cycle Devel::Symdump ExtUtils::Config ExtUtils::Helpers ExtUtils::InstallPaths Filter::signatures Font::TTF Future Future::HTTP HTML::Form HTML::Selector::XPath HTTP::Daemon HTTP::Request::AsCGI HTTP::Server::Simple IO::Async IO::String Image::Info Imager Imager::File::PNG JSON Log::Log4perl MRO::Compat Metrics::Any Module::Build Module::Build::Tiny Mojolicious Moo Net::Async::WebSocket Object::Import PDF::API2 PadWalker Path::Tiny Perl PerlX::Maybe Pod::Coverage Protocol::WebSocket Role::Tiny Socket Spiffy Struct::Dumb Sub::Quote Sub::Uplevel Test::Base Test::Deep Test::Exception Test::Fatal Test::HTTP::LocalServer Test::Identity Test::Memory::Cycle Test::Metrics::Any Test::Needs Test::NoWarnings Test::Output Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage Test::Refcount Test::RequiresInternet Test::Taint Test::Warn Test::Warnings Test::Without::Module Text::Diff Text::Levenshtein Text::Levenshtein::Damerau Text::PDF URI URI::ws WWW::Mechanize WWW::Mechanize::Chrome install libwww::perl local::lib
Greetings, Mx