CorneliusMoe / be-smart
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US2 - Goal in Detail #2

Open CorneliusMoe opened 1 year ago

CorneliusMoe commented 1 year ago

Goal Details

Value proposition

As a User I want to be able to view the details of a specific goal when I click on it in the list of goals So that I can see the detailed objectives of that goal



Acceptance criteria


AliaksandraNovikava commented 1 year ago

Your idea for this user story looks nice. One task is missing: The details page should show a list of the details: here you suggest a different page (details page), but don't have it in your tasks list. Where should the card component that returns the details of a specific goal be rendered? You probable want first to create a new page that renders your details component?

CorneliusMoe commented 1 year ago

Hi Alex, thank you for the input. This is really helpful as I was struggling with writing the tasks. I changed them according to your recommendations. 👍

josch87 commented 1 year ago

Looks very good.

As a developer I just wouldn't get the AC The details should be vertically sorted. By which criteria should the details be sorted? Alphabetically by their label? Or do you mean they need to be vertical list items?

In the tasks you say that you want to have 5 headings and 5 details but the AC do not say that. Developer ToDo's should only involve tasks that derived from the user story (as long as it is not refactoring, project setup etc.).

CorneliusMoe commented 1 year ago


thank you for the positive feedback. I changed my US accordingly.

ghost commented 1 year ago