Corneliusbusch / DS4D-project

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Create a calendar heatmap to show the distribution of usage time #9

Closed qinruzhu closed 5 years ago

qinruzhu commented 5 years ago

Distribution of usage and number of users in time

Corneliusbusch commented 5 years ago

I don't know how easy that is, but I think it would be great to allow some interaction. So maybe once the heatmap could show the number of distinct users per day, then the number of clicks per day and once the ration, so #clicks / #users.

Otherwise, it might be very cool to have a time bar, where you can see the traffic according to a certain time. So you can see on which days it was busy in the morning, on which it was busy in the evening and maybe map it to some news events. Might be too complicated...

zoepointon commented 5 years ago

Looks great! I have uploaded it to the site.