Coroico / AdvSearch

Dynamic content search add-on for MODx Revolution that supports results highlighting, faceted search and search in custom packages
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&parents not restricting to that container. #81

Open trentnixon opened 8 years ago

trentnixon commented 8 years ago

Im pulling results from modx via the api as such $output = $modx->runSnippet('AdvSearch',array( 'parents'=> $id, 'withTVs'=>'withthistv', 'withFields'=>'', 'containerTpl'=>'containertpl', 'tpl'=>'tpl', 'includeTVs'=>'thistv' )); The results are coming through fine, however search results for every container in the tree structure are included. i would like to dynamically restrict the container based on the search parameters .. i have tried hard coding a int for testing purposes ( i.e. 'parents'=> '3',) with the same results. it appears the parent parameter is not being included.

goldsky commented 8 years ago

try 2.0.0-beta1

trentnixon commented 8 years ago

i have had a tinker around with it now, the results seem to be pulling only from the top level of that parent. is there any way to include a 'depth' parameter?

also, the new beta option only displays results when the following para are NOT included. 'containerTpl'=>'containertpl', 'tpl'=>'tpl',

results only display when using the default options.

goldsky commented 8 years ago

It's now have "advsearch" placeholder's prefix

goldsky commented 8 years ago

About the scope (container/parent), you can use GetIds snippet.