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Item: Mojo(pet)(mangos one) #140

Open Mibu86 opened 10 years ago

Mibu86 commented 10 years ago

Lil bastard wont reply to my loving kisses..

Mojo acts just like any other frog in WoW. Mojo doesnt do any sound when you click him. Changed, as of 2.4 Mojo DOES croak when you click him. Mojo croaks now and then while walking or running. Mojo apears as a Beast. Mojo is level 5. Mojo is as big as a jubling. The flies that Mojo catches are blue like his skin color. When you kiss Mojo he will turn you intro a frog of the same size as itself.

The frog "Polymorph" lasts for 15 seconds and does not show as a buff or a debuff. You can't use most abilities while "Polymorphed". You can be"Polymorphed" to 4 diffrent colors, Green, Brown,Green-Blue-Yellow and Blue-Orange. If you are a druid, you can shapeshift while "Polymorphed", that will make your skin change. The frog "Polymorph" will be canceled when damaged. When you kiss Mojo he will follow you while red hearts are floating above his head. If you kiss Mojo while in combat, he will follow you with red hearts but you wont be "Polymorphed". Even other players can kiss your Mojo and have the same affects. Cross Faction kissing Mojo will not work (Alliance won't be affected by kissing a horde's Mojo, and the same thing the other way around). If you kiss Mojo while mounted, it will make your mount larger. If you kiss Mojo while flying you won't be "Polymorphed" but Mojo will still follow you with hearts above his head (It does work while falling though). If you kiss Mojo while mounted, the name that appears above your head will be much higher. When you kiss Mojo, he will whisper you one of the following sentences : 1.Now that's what I call froggy-style! 2.Your lily pad or mine? 3.This won't take long, did it? 4.I thought you'd never ask! 5.I promise not to give you warts... 6.Feelin' a little froggy, are ya? 7.Listen, , I know of a little swamp not too far from here.... 8.There's just never enough Mojo to go around...

Exanimous commented 9 years ago

It seems that he probably needs a script written for him in Scriptdev2. I can't see how else this would be implemented?