CoronaCore / Issues

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Cast Bar Disappears #215

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

The player cast-bar disappears. When you cast a spell your cast-bar goes invisible when ever some other talent related spell trigger and when you get hit by an enemy. The spell will finish casting but you aren't able to see when.

quote vovk: It dissapears, when some spell triggers from tallents. Server send packet with time = 0, other word it send cast time = 0 to client & client start show this casting time. This bug should be removerd, server should not send casting time for trigger spells:

Salja commented 9 years ago

try and feedback

wehn not working change CAST_FLAG_HIDDEN_COMBATLOG to CAST_FLAG_NONE and check

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hello Salja thanks for the reply!

It seems to be working after some major testing with CAST_FLAG_HIDDEN_COMBATLOG.

CAST_FLAG_NONE did just make it worse it was interupting my spellcast whenever a talent triggered, I were testing both of them just to make sure. But I'm happy to inform you that the issue does no longer persist and you can close this issue !

Thanks again for a solution and the quick reply I appreciate it :+1:

Salja commented 9 years ago

Than i will add to the dev branch soon thanks for Feedback