CoronaCore / Issues

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[Mage]: [Presence of Mind: 12043] [BUG] #233

Open ghost opened 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Hello there,

I've just ran into an issue while playing on my mage, it's regarding and it doesn't work correctly.

Lets say I'm casting pyroblast and I want to do another pyroblast almost instantly after I've fired my first one. Regularly are you able to cast a pyroblast more after finished casting the first pyroblast instantly with the help of spell 12043 [Presence of Mind], if you press the spell right after your first pyroblast have hit the target, will the buff just vanish.

The buff should'nt be triggered by a spell that you have casted but only by spells you're about to cast.

I hope it makes sence you can try it yourself.

Go to a nearby npc or player, start casting pyroblast keep clicking on Presence of Mind so it will buff right after the cast of pyroblast. Then you'll notice the Presence of Mind buff will dissapear when it hits the target so you're not able to do a double pyroblast.

Salja commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the report i will look into it soon after some other todo's ;)

ghost commented 9 years ago

Awesome can barely wait! :-)

Salja commented 9 years ago

In the wait time you can report more stuff xD :-)

ghost commented 9 years ago

Sounds like a brilliant idea xD

Salja commented 9 years ago

I have 1000 of patches here local but most outdatet or never tested so with luck i have instant a fix when you posting reports ;)

ghost commented 9 years ago

Can I get a copy of those patches then i'll test them 1 by 1?

Salja commented 9 years ago

Well i have saved patches from 2008-2014 a lot of it must be update to test it ;) but yes i can give you if you need you can join to hipchat works on all platforms and phones so i can give you and can talk it easy