CoronaTeam / CoronaGame

Software Development Project 2020
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Feedback from the coaches #72

Closed SolalPirelli closed 1 year ago

SolalPirelli commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

We'll try to give you some feedback on each week from now on; let us know if this is useful. :-)

Doing it as a GitHub issue makes it easy to refer to... this is not a task, it's not meant to be closed.

SolalPirelli commented 4 years ago

Week ending on 27.03

Overall, you're progressing well, and you adapted well to the change of app idea. For the next week, please try to do as much of the planning as possible on your side: marking tasks/stories as done, moving stores from the Product Backlog into the Sprint Backlog, dividing these stories into tasks and assigning them among yourselves, with time estimates. Please take more time to do code reviews as well; right now you are accepting your PRs without any comments; while this is occasionally correct, in general there's always a few things that could use some improvement in a proposed PR, and that's what code reviews are for. Try to prepare a cleaner demo next time: show us the app as if we were customers who had no idea what it does. Walk us through the main features, explaining why we should want to use your app.

SolalPirelli commented 4 years ago

Week ending on 03.04

Your app is starting to take shape! As we discussed, the features are there but they are currently split in too many different activities/fragments. It's good that you started doing the task decomposition and assignment on your own; hopefully it gave you confidence to do it entirely on your own next time. Keep your future demo in mind when designing your new UI; it will help you get both a good demo and a good-looking UI.

SolalPirelli commented 4 years ago

Week ending on 24.04

Great work, your app looks like something that could be on the Play Store now! For next week, as we discussed, prepare a demo that sells the app to potential customers, instead of to TAs. Good job with the Scrum process; for next time, please go through your Product Backlog and close any issues that have already been done. You can also delete the old invalid issues from the previous app idea if you want. This will give you more visibility over what's left to do / whether you should be thinking of new ideas.

SolalPirelli commented 4 years ago

We forgot to give you written feedback last time... Sorry about that. :s

Week ending in 08.05

Good job! Your app is almost ready to be used by people, you have a nice idea for a video demo, and you already assigned tasks to yourselves. For next time, as we discussed, think of ways to speed up the demo so it fits within 5 minutes, even if that means making the time go faster than in the real app. Feel free to add ideas of features you could add to your Product Backlog, since you'll most likely have time to implement a few of them next sprint. :)