Corosauce / weather2

Minecraft Forge Mod - Localized Weather - A rewrite of weather & tornados with a focus on localized storm systems
140 stars 78 forks source link

Shader support Question #639

Open weegeeluigi opened 4 months ago

weegeeluigi commented 4 months ago

I see the mod is now available with shader support. I have seen many questions (and even videos on youtube but with no details!) that prove they work.

I'm using oculus 1.6.15 and embedium 0.3.4 and the 2 issues I see are the sky never darkens when it storms ( read a post saying it was fixed at one point) and sandstorms are funky. Is there a list of known good shaders or a version that is 100% working if there is a regression? With no FAQ and filled out wiki I don't know where else to ask this question, so sorry if it's inopportune!

Billnotic commented 2 months ago

I would also like to know this, wind doesn't affect the blowing of grass and leaves in any of my shaders and I'm not sure why.