CorrM / Unreal-Finder-Tool

Useful tool to help you fetch and dump Unreal Engine 4 Games information.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stack Overflow during package sort phase #73

Open samjsmart opened 4 years ago

samjsmart commented 4 years ago

Using both the new features and master branch are resulting in a full SDK being generated but a stack overflow exception being thrown during the package sorting phase.

UnrealFinderTool.exe!std::unordered_map<UEObject,Package const *,std::hash<UEObject>,std::equal_to<UEObject>,std::allocator<std::pair<UEObject const ,Package const *>>>::operator[](const UEObject &) Line 401
UnrealFinderTool.exe!PackageDependencyComparer::operator()(const Package & lhs, const Package & rhs) Line 27

It appears some sort of infinite recursion is being reached as there's well over 5k nested instances of PackageDependencyComparer::operator() being logged. Increasing stack size just results in a longer time before the exception is thrown. I've increased the stack as far as 16GB to see if eventually the sort completes but I had no success there.