CorradoMotta / ASV_interface

Repository to store progress on the ASV interface development
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New commands for venice tests #53

Closed CorradoMotta closed 2 years ago

CorradoMotta commented 2 years ago

The new enum is the following:

enum HciCommand {
    NGC_ENABLE, // par 0/1 , NGC is enabled to write n[i],azimuth[i] ; initialised to false
    SET_GC_WORKING_MODE, // par: GCworkingMode gcWorkingMode
    SET_TM_MANUAL_MODE, // par ThrustMappingManualMode tmManualMode
    SET_TM_AUTO_MODE, // par: ThrustMappingAutoMode tmAutoMode
    SET_RPM_ALPHA, // par: double nRef [rpm], double dnRef [rpm], double alphaRef [deg]
    SET_FORCE_TORQUE, // par: double X [N], Y [N], N [N*m]
    SET_SURGE, // par: double uRef [m/s]
    SET_SWAY, // par: double vRef [m/s]
    SET_YAW, // par: double rRef [deg/s] , X [N], Y [N]
    SET_HEADING, // par: double psiRef [deg] ,  X [N], Y [N]
    SET_LAT_LON, // par: double latRef [deg.mmmmmmmm], double lonRef [deg.mmmmmmmm] , X [N]
    SET_XY, // par: double xRef [m], double yRef [m] , X [N]
    SET_LINE_LAT_LON, // par: double latLref [deg.mmmmmmmm], double lonLRef [deg.mmmmmmmm], double gammaLref [deg] , X [N]
    SET_LINE_XY, // par: double xLref [m], double yLonLRef [m], double gammaLref [deg] , X [N]
    // the following command MUST be used only when TM_DISABLE_MODE
    MINION_CMD, // par: uint8 minionId, <MinionNgcCmd> as specified in "MinionNgcInterface.h"
    // commands to set NGC parameters
    SET_YAW_GS_PAR, // par: double sigma, omega, maxNoise [deg/s], satTorque [N]
    SET_HEADING_PI_PAR, // par: double g, kI, ySat [deg/s], eISat [deg], eIon [deg], eIoff [deg]
    SET_HOME, // par: none, the command set as home location the current location of the robot
    // commands to the Execution Control Level
    STOP_FILE_CMD, // used to go back to remote control from command file execution or emergency go home
    START_FILE_CMD, // used to start the execution of a preloaded file of commands
    RESUME_FILE_CMD, // used to recover the execution of a preloaded file of commands
//  EMERGENCY_BACK_HOME, // used to start emergency back home

Check if emergency back home is implemented or not. Three buttons are needed, stop start and resume.

CorradoMotta commented 2 years ago

Adding panel. Next, implement graphical logic (e.g. opaque elements etc.)

CorradoMotta commented 2 years ago

All done.