CorrelAid / correlaid_website

Source code for the CorrelAid website
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Search/Filter Bar #209

Closed jstet closed 10 months ago

jstet commented 1 year ago

connected to #148

Blog Posts, Projects, Podcasts, Workshops and Events could use a search/filter bar

LtSalt commented 11 months ago

From a design perspective, a search bar could be easily added to blog posts and events. For example, we could place it next to the headers and right aligne it. The other subpages would require some design decisions. Maybe it would be useful to split this into two issues?

From a functional perspective, searching for post / event titles could be a manageable first step. I don't know about the overhead of full text search and as far as I can see, we have not yet assigned tags.

KonradUdoHannes commented 11 months ago

Just to clarify the goal of this issue. do we want to search posts, projects, etc. Individually (on their respective pages) or do we want search functionality, in the header for instance, that searches the entire correlaid website at once?

jstet commented 11 months ago

I personally vote to add search functionality to the respective pages first and maybe we can add global search functionality later

jstet commented 11 months ago

From a design perspective, a search bar could be easily added to blog posts and events. For example, we could place it next to the headers and right aligne it. The other subpages would require some design decisions. Maybe it would be useful to split this into two issues?

From a functional perspective, searching for post / event titles could be a manageable first step. I don't know about the overhead of full text search and as far as I can see, we have not yet assigned tags.

yes creating separate issues sounds like a good idea! maybe we can keep this issue though, because the approaches to implement search will probably be very similar and maybe we can even create a reusable component.

jstet commented 11 months ago

Filtering has to happen client side because of the static build.