CorrelAid / correlaid_website

Source code for the CorrelAid website
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Analytics of project data #471

Open friep opened 11 months ago

friep commented 11 months ago

we could include some reporting on our (impact measurement) metrics, e.g. using the project data see the report projects.qmd here:

possible location: new page impact under about

KonradUdoHannes commented 11 months ago

I'm wondering what the strategy should be. I generally see two options.

  1. create artifacts such as images, .json, and .csv from Analytics tools such as the R project and then include these as assets in the build
  2. Recreate analysis functionality in js

I think 1. has the advantage of using familiar libraries that are very much build for analytics. But we'd have to think a little harder about the build process and how to potentially document it if it stretches across another repository.

The second approach would be a lot simpler wrt. the build process and documentation but I'm not sure how much implementation work needs to be done. There are probably node packages we can use but I'm not familiar with them yet. This might be feasible if we have a fairly stable set of KPIs etc., but if that's still a little more exploratory the js implementation efforts might be unreasonable high.

jstet commented 10 months ago

I vote for the second option and would suggest ECharts for visualizations. I have used this library recently and like its ease of use while still being very customizable

jstet commented 3 months ago

For now, add basic stats to top of projects db. Clarify that only some of CorrelAids projects are displayed