CorrelAid / correlaid_website

Source code for the CorrelAid website
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Links of subnav are not clickable sometimes #84

Closed jstet closed 11 months ago

jstet commented 1 year ago

I am currently not able to reproduce the conditions under which this happens

jstet commented 1 year ago

Only seems to happen locally, will just close it as nobody noticed this in live version

jstet commented 12 months ago

This just happened to me on the live page :S

KonradUdoHannes commented 12 months ago

Is the issue gone on refresh? This would hint at one component not loading properly sometimes. Either way we can include this as a test in #240 and see whether it pops up there (worst case only sometimes). to analyze it further.

Any particular links that did not work, or was it all the sub nav links?

jstet commented 12 months ago

What do you mean with gone on refresh? The links in all dropdowns, including the language dropdown, did not react. No error messages in console.

KonradUdoHannes commented 12 months ago

With gone on refresh I mean, that the links work again once the page is refreshed.

I think we can get connection issues that can cause this. I had the same issue, but usually in connection with major setup problems affecting connection. In such cases the js for the entire site did simply not load. That is why I'm wondering whether a reload fixes it (at least with high probability) for the occasional case if the cause is some failed svelte initialization request in the background.

Also if a http requests fails it might sometimes not show up in the console. The network tab would show it, but this has to be running in advance, which makes it hard to use for occasional issues.

jstet commented 12 months ago

Yes a refresh fixed it :O

KonradUdoHannes commented 11 months ago

I had the issue a couple of times now, and my impression is the following.

Because of the last two point I would suggest closing this issue and try to treat the underlying causes individually if this symptomatic behavior appears again. @jstet do you agree?

jstet commented 11 months ago

Thanks for investigating!

What was "the underlying issue that caused the respective promise to fail"?

What do you mean with error level logging? If we know how to identify the underlying problems then yes I'd also close this issue.

KonradUdoHannes commented 11 months ago


The problem in my case where simply parsing errors, like some required parameter being undefined, that I introduced and later removed while refactoring cms parsing.

With error lebel logging I mean that the console has 5 different logging levels. .error (typically red), .warn (typically yellow), .log , .info and .debug. For me the issues where related to logged errors, which are usually also the most severe. The only thing to keep in mind is that the browser dev tools usually let one filter for the type of messages one sees, so one has to make sure that errors level logging does indeed show up.

I'll close the issue. If we encounter the problem again without being able to diagnose the underlying cause, we can reopen it.