CorrelAid / correlaid_website

Source code for the CorrelAid website
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Mitgliedsantrag #94

Closed jstet closed 5 months ago

jstet commented 1 year ago

what does the law say? make it so that data will be saved in memory of client?

jstet commented 1 year ago

spam protection

jstet commented 1 year ago

Form on website and send email to finanzen@ with email template

jstet commented 1 year ago

On Slack we agreed to send a notification email to finanzen@ containing an id or the name of the person but to upload the data directly to Nextcloud via their API. This avoids storing the data in emails on google servers. @friep already wrote some code to achieve this and sent it to me on Slack.

jstet commented 1 year ago

Will work on this after first release. We can use the old form till then. However is this something we can do not serverside/with a static website (#100)? This involves secrets tokens like access to Nextcloud.

friep commented 8 months ago

I did some research on the legal conditions of this:

  1. SEPA In Germany, it's not strictly necessary that people sign the SEPA mandate (cf:, ) but there's no clear law text about it and other sources say it's necessary (e.g.

  2. Mitgliedsantrag: our Satzung only says: "Aktive Mitglieder erlangen die Mitgliedschaft durch einen schriftlichen Aufnahmeantrag, über den der Vorstand mit einfacher Mehrheit entscheidet." (and similar for Fördermitglieder) . I googled whether this requires a signature and again, while there is no strict legal need, it's "safer" to have something signed by the person.

FOr both, i'd take the safe route and require the signuture/ proper "written form".

Overall, to make this easiest for the user, maybe we could do something like:

  1. form where user enters their data
  2. button or "next" to generate the PDF document(s) (ideally client-side?) -> user just has to sign them.
  3. upload documents via form. Process then directly to nextcloud or store on directus first.
friep commented 8 months ago

i talked to @jandix and he said that it should be possible to do something like 2. with

jstet commented 8 months ago

todo von Sabrina: "Mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass die EN Übersetzung der Mitgliedschaft meiner Meinung nach nicht vollständig ist: es fehlt in der EN Version bei "Fördermitgelid/Sustaining membership" der Hinweis zum Betrag ("frei wählbar, mindestens 30 Euro / Jahr") und "Fördermitglieder sind in der Mitgliederversammlung nicht stimmberechtigt.”"

jstet commented 8 months ago

182 : refactor membership application page to not use svelte-kit form actions

jstet commented 8 months ago

Plan for automating the membership application

Objective: Develop a secure process to upload membership application PDFs to Nextcloud while processing user data client-side on our static SvelteKit website. Since the website is static and we can't perform server-side operations directly, we need to leverage external services to achieve this functionality.

Client-Side Form and PDF:

Feedback and User Notification:

@friep @KonradUdoHannes @jandix Thoughts?

jandix commented 8 months ago

@jstet looks good to me. As the PDF could be tempered with you probably could store some metadata like the upload time in a database? This could also include the Nextcloud transaction metadata and would allow you to keep track of failed jobs.

KonradUdoHannes commented 8 months ago

Generally it looks like a good strategy, at the same time I have the following remarks

jstet commented 8 months ago

I created a new repo for the intermediary API here:

jstet commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your advice @jandix @KonradUdoHannes ! I have kind of finished the intermediary API (see repo) but I am wondering if its secure enough as it provides a direct way to upload pdfs to our nextcloud. How can we avoid people automating post requests and using all our nextcloud storage with fake pdfs? the nextcloud token is stored securely but i fear that we have just upstreamed the problem. I implemented some functionality that stores the email of the member and restricts multiple requests with that email. Rate limiting relative to IP?

KonradUdoHannes commented 7 months ago

I think we should aim for the following.

jstet commented 7 months ago

Yes turnstile seems to be a good option!

I'll implement the other stuff as well

jstet commented 7 months ago

So API should be done and relatively secure now. Now we need to create the form on the website.

jstet commented 7 months ago


Change still happen in the branch 94-mitgliedsantrag

The form works now and is connected to the API. However, I have not added the feature that people can download the pdf and then upload it with a signature. Instead, consent is given through a text input field.

Take a look at this form:

Here, all consent is just given with checkboxes. The form was built with a trustworthy provider (campai) that should know what is legal. I have also asked myself how to realize accessible signatures. People that use screenreaders can't sign stuff with drawing their names. Solutions for this problem are too sophisticated.


If we keep this form of consent, we may not need to generate and upload a pdf. We could just add a row to a csv or upload a json or smth as the pdf does just contain data now.

I also don't know how to properly test all the stuff that I implemented because so much verification is going on in between the steps. @KonradUdoHannes

I will add a feature to the api that sends an email to finanzen@ to notify a new application. I could also send a notification to the user with the generated pdf to let them know everything worked.

All of this is way too much work/time for this simple goal tbh, but now i got so far already :D


KonradUdoHannes commented 7 months ago

I'll have a closer look next week give some feedback on how what makes sense to test on our end.

KonradUdoHannes commented 7 months ago

I've looked through the branch and made a couple of notes, but I think it might be easiest if we already make a PR and I put my comments in there. That way I can more easily put them next to the code where they belong. We could even mark the PR as a draft until its ready if we want to, but since there is probably nobody around who could accidentally merge it, it would not do extremely much.

jstet commented 7 months ago

Thats reasonable, heres the PR:

jstet commented 5 months ago

Used an external provider and linked it in footer: