CorrelAid / correlaid_website

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Elmo on website? Where? #95

Open ZoeWolter opened 1 year ago

KonradUdoHannes commented 1 year ago

@ZoeWolter What is an elmo?

jstet commented 1 year ago

An elmo is the thing on the bottom of this page:

KonradUdoHannes commented 1 year ago

Ok so if I understand it corretly the elmo itself will again just be an iframe to just as it is on the old site. Which means the implementation effort for this is fairly low once it is decided where it shoudl go. Or putting it the other way around, it is definitely feasable to add the elmo one place and easily move or remove it again if the place turns out not to be fitting.

KonradUdoHannes commented 1 year ago

Since the title of the elmo (what does elmo stand for?) is "Datenreifegrad" I would suggest to make a separate page for this and add navigation under "Daten nutzen" with something like "Datenreifegrad messen". If that sounds roughly reasonable let me know and I can make the addition and we can then check whether we like it.

jstet commented 1 year ago

@Frie where do you want to have it?

ZoeWolter commented 1 year ago

@jstet @KonradUdoHannes Sorry for the late response! The Data Maturity Model definitely needs a review - I'd suggest to not include it on the new website now but to keep it in mind to review and then maybe put in on the website later then.

KonradUdoHannes commented 1 year ago

I think we should then maybe close this issue but as there is no current ToDo for the website, but before doing it, is there another place/document within CorrelAid where we can add "Data Maturity Model review" to a backlog or similar? If not, we can also track it here, but I'm afraid that task might get a little lost among other issues.

Ok @jstet just tagged it with backlog, which is probably also fine.