CorrelAid / paris-bikes

Where to build new bicycle parking spots in Paris? Supporting data-driven decision making with open data
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Clean museums data #36

Closed katoss closed 1 year ago

katoss commented 1 year ago


I added the raw and cleaned museum data to dvc, and the cleaning code to the preprocess file.

I think dvc worked without any problems, it is really easy to use :)

For the preprocessing, I basically added the whole process to one function, because I wasn't sure how to do better. Suggestions to improve the code are very welcome!

Edit: for the nominatim user agent, I haven't tried the "correlaid-paris-bikes" one yet, but I think it should work with any identifier. I used my personal email address for testing, that worked without problem.

katoss commented 1 year ago

The clean_museum_data now outputs a geodataframe, I added the new gdf as geojson to dvc, and removed the old museums.csv.

Can I merge the PR @operte ?

operte commented 1 year ago