CorrelAid / paris-bikes

Where to build new bicycle parking spots in Paris? Supporting data-driven decision making with open data
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compute number of metro passengers #38

Closed operte closed 1 year ago

operte commented 1 year ago

I reused Kati's geocoding scripts. I refactored a part of her museum's function so that I could also use it. I also added CRS information to the geocoding script, which is not filled in by default. That was raising a warning when merging with the IRIS dataset.

I think that the script to merge with IRIS and aggregate the data could also be refactored, since it's being used in multiple places (and also in Simon's PR).

The notebook just helps if you want to quickly test the code.

After this is approved, I think I should be able to quickly do the train stations. I should also upload the IRIS and population datasets to DVC at a certain point :p

katoss commented 1 year ago

I also got the CRS warning when merging with the IRIS dataset. How did you know which CRS to use, seeing you added "EPSG:4326"?

operte commented 1 year ago

I saw that Nominatim returns the latitude and longitude of the location with the format in this website

And I assumed it's according to EPSG:4326

But to be honest I could not find a definite answer that this is correct.

When plotting all the points on a map, they were all in Paris, so that checked out :)

operte commented 1 year ago

Added RER stations to the scope. I think we're ready to merge!