CorrelAid / paris-bikes

Where to build new bicycle parking spots in Paris? Supporting data-driven decision making with open data
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Host app #62

Closed operte closed 1 year ago

operte commented 1 year ago

We should host the app somewhere. Either in AWS (@akashrajkn ) or GCP.

GCP seems to have a free tier which includes App Engine (which would run the app) and GCS/BigQuery (which would store the data) could probably handle our app quite well:

I'm not familiar with AWS. I see it also has a free tier but i am not sure which services we need. I guess S3 for data storage, but which service would run the app?

katoss commented 1 year ago

@operte @akashrajkn did you agree on something?

I don't have any preferences for either GCP or AWS, since I don't have experience with either ^^" If GCP can be used right from our correlaid google accounts that might be a good way to go as alternative to AWS? Then it might be easier for everyone to access it?

akashrajkn commented 1 year ago

@operte AWS also has a free tier that has quite a lot of features: AWS Free tier link


For deploying elastic beanstalk, I thought of writing down some instructions, but ended up finding a nice blog post that describes all the steps:

I also quickly compared gcp and aws free tiers and they are mostly equivalent. I have worked with both. For our case, hosting the app should involve similar steps in both cases.

@katoss you make a nice point. If correlaid already has access to google cloud, the setup could be more convenient (all accounts on one place ;) ). Shall we decide on gcp then?

operte commented 1 year ago

Thanks @akashrajkn that's quite clear!

GCP would be nice if it is hosted from the correlaid account but i suspect that the free tier doesn't apply to it anymore. Perhaps @friep could confirm this?

Otherwise I would be happy to go with AWS, since we would have your help if something is not clear :p

pr130 commented 1 year ago

sorry for the late reply.. we don't actually have GCP credits, that's not part of the google for nonprofits thing. we have azure but if aws is ok for you, it'd be great if you could just do it separately and on your own - otherwise i have to onboard you to Azure and then we have another vm lying around at some point ^^

Thanks for your initiative!

operte commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! To sum up: we're going to use one of our personal accounts, and therefore there's no clear preference for a cloud provider.

@akashrajkn do you want to use your existing setup to deploy the app on AWS? If you are too busy, I would be glad to pick it up. In that case I would use GCP, because I was learning a bit about it at work and would like to put it into practice :)