Corsinvest / cv4pve-diag

Diagnostic tool for Proxmox VE
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 4 forks source link

CV4PVE-DIAG Debian Bash Command Not Found #9

Closed kenrmayfield closed 1 year ago

kenrmayfield commented 1 year ago


I did try the CV4PVE-DIAG in Debian however the Error: -bash: cv4pve-diag: command not found

The Syntax I used: root@CV4PVEDIAGDebian:/cv4pvediag# cv4pve-diag --output=Text --host= --username=root@pam --password=password execute

Proof the Command is in the Directory /cv4pvediag: root@CV4PVEDIAGDebian:/cv4pvediag# ls cv4pve-diag root@CV4PVEDIAGDebian:/cv4pvediag#

franklupo commented 1 year ago

Hi, did you download the latest version and unzip it?

kenrmayfield commented 1 year ago



Yes, I used the Latest Version.

franklupo commented 1 year ago

hi, i tried and everything works

frank# wget
frank# unzip
frank# chmod +x ./cv4pve-diag

frank# ./cv4pve-diag
Required command was not provided.
Option '--host' is required.


     ______                _                      __
    / ____/___  __________(_)___ _   _____  _____/ /_
   / /   / __ \/ ___/ ___/ / __ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ __/
  / /___/ /_/ / /  (__  ) / / / / |/ /  __(__  ) /_
  \____/\____/_/  /____/_/_/ /_/|___/\___/____/\__/

  Diagnostic for Proxmox VE                      (Made in Italy)

  cv4pve-diag is a part of suite cv4pve.
  For more information visit

  cv4pve-diag [command] [options]

  --api-token <api-token>                            Api token format 'USER@REALM!TOKENID=UUID'. Require Proxmox VE 6.2
                                                     or later
  --username <username>                              User name <username>@<realm>
  --password <password>                              The password. Specify 'file:path_file' to store password in file.
  --host <host> (REQUIRED)                           The host name host[:port],host1[:port],host2[:port]
  --settings-file <settings-file>                    File settings (generated from create-settings)
  --ignored-issues-file <ignored-issues-file>        File ignored issues (generated from create-ignored-issues)
  --ignored-issues-show                              Show second table with ignored issue
  -o, --output <Html|Json|JsonPretty|Markdown|Text>  Type output [default: Text]
  --version                                          Show version information
  -?, -h, --help                                     Show help and usage information

  create-settings        Create file settings (settings.json)
  create-ignored-issues  Create File ignored issues (ignored-issues.json)
  export-collect         Export collect data collect to data.json
  execute                Execute diagnostic and print result to console

best regards

kenrmayfield commented 1 year ago



Go back and look at my First Posting about this.

I noticed you did a chmod +x cv4pve-diag on the Script. There is nothing in the Instructions do Run chmod +x cv4pve-diag on the Script.

This is Not Listed in the Instructions.

There needs to be a Pull Request on this as well.

  1. The Syntax for cv4pve-diag [command] [options] should be cv4pve-diag [options] [command] Example: cv4pve-diag --output=Text --host= --username=root@pam --password=password execute
  2. The chmod +x cv4pve-diag needs to be Added to the Instructions to make it a Executable
  3. Letting the User know to use ./ cv4pve-diag to Run the Script.
    NOTE: Some Users from the Windows World would not know to use ./ to Run the Script.

Everything is Working now. Excellent Tool by the way. Exporting to HTML is Excellent as well. After I Exported the HTML Results and viewed through my Browser, I was really Impressed not having to Click On the TASK History in Proxmox for each VM or Container to check for problems.

franklupo commented 1 year ago

HI, see the cv4pve-admin is a Web Gui

Best reagrds

kenrmayfield commented 1 year ago



Do Not Close just yet. I am going to do a Pull Request on this also.

What did you mean by your last message: see the cv4pve-admin is a Web Gui I do not understand what you are tring to say?

cv4pve-diag and cv4pve-admin are two different Programs. Yes I already know cv4pve-admin is a web gui.

cv4pve-diag is alot faster still to pull diagnostic of your proxmox hypervisor due to the fact not having to Click On each Listing in cv4pve-admin to check for problems on each VM or Container. You have to do the same thing in Proxmox when viewing TASK HISTORY.

franklupo commented 1 year ago

cv4pve-admin containg diagnostic scheduling with notification via mail.

kenrmayfield commented 1 year ago



I have Completed a Pull Request.