CorsixTH / CorsixTH

Open source clone of Theme Hospital
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[Meta] Unused level config gbv values #2567

Open tobylane opened 2 months ago

tobylane commented 2 months ago

These are the gbv names from full00.sam not yet in CTH. Are there any we should ignore? Some of them are clear on what the value means, some I have no guess.

Field Default value Area Original comment
HowContagious 25 Epidemics If contagious, how much - rand up to this figure. higher = more contagious. must be > 0
ReduceContRate 0 Epidemics Rate to reduce cont illnesses to - 0 means do not produce contagious illnesses at all
RestStanding 3 Staff Resting in Staff room - standing (cont every 16)
RestSofa 8 Staff Resting in Staff room - sitting on sofa (cont every 16)
RestGame 60 Staff Resting in Staff room - playing computer game (once)
RestSnooker 40 Staff Resting in Staff room - playing snooker (once)
WorkLight 1 Staff Work Value - adds to tiredness
ModifyFreq 16 ? Game turns between rebalancing staff and peeps
NotTired 300 Staff Staff Tiredness Below this - very alert.
RecoveryFactor 450 Staff Reduces effect of resting based on tiredness ie (recover_value * RecoveryFactor) / Tiredness
RecoveryMinimum 3 Staff Minimum amount of recovery after reduction by above
QPoints 15 VIP? Which Room ? Points per peep in Q for room
DistPoints 1 VIP? Which Room ? Points against distance to room
NoStaffPoints 20 VIP? Which Room ? Points against room being unstaffed
LitterDrop 25 Patients Peep drops litter when LitterCheck reaches this value
LeaveMax 150 Patients Peep leaves when LeavingCount reaches this value
ResignMax 150 Staff Staff leaves when ResignCount reaches this value
Happy 75 Humanoids Determines that a person is happy
Unhappy 50 Humanoids Determines that peeps are unhappy (one added to LeavingCount)
VeryUnhappy 25 Humanoids Determines that peep is very unhappy
DrinkHappy 5 Patients Add to happiness for a drink
ToiletHappy 10 Patients Add to happiness for toilet
BowelFull 50 Patients Needs to go to the toilet (one Added to LeavingCount)
BowelOverflows 75 Patients Peep poos on the floor
VomitLimit 50 Patients Person pukes at this level
LitterRandom 60 Patients Litter dropped random based on his value (mod)
SalaryTooLow -10 Staff Affects staff happiness by this amount if salary too low (each month)
SalaryTooHigh 20 Staff Affects staff happiness by this amount if salary higher (each month)
RemoveRatHoleChance 3000 Rats 1-10000 Lower removes ratholes faster
MinimumAbductTime 4 Multiplayer Number of years after which first abduction can occur
AbductionsPerYear 2 Multiplayer Number of abductions allowed per-year after lead-in time.

One of Unhappy or VeryUnhappy for Litterdrop for here but in a different unit RestStanding and RestSofa for here but in a different unit, thousandths per day?

Alberth289346 commented 2 months ago

ModifyFreq is perhaps how often staff allocation is computed versus number of patients. We don't do global staff allocation currently.

The Which Room ? values is literally which room, for a patient (Q means queue). At least the reception desk has a notion of "best to visit". The other rooms have it too I think, but not sure.

lewri commented 2 months ago

ReduceContRate I imagine is overriden in each level filem but it would be interesting to see how it might fit into controlling epidemics.

The rest stuff looks interesting, I didn't realise it got more effective over their duration of rest. Toby do you have the ranges these unused values use too? (some are 0 - 255, some 0 - 1000, and looks like some 0 - 100)