[15:32:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [TeaSpoon] Loading...
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.JMML. Lonely Henry welcomes spring!
Copyright (C) CortexPE 2017-2018
[15:32:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [TeaSpoon] You're using a newer PocketMine build than the highest tested version (1.7dev-1034). Please report bugs if there's any. ;)
Fatal error: Class CortexPE\tile\Tile contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (pocketmine\tile\Tile::readSaveData, pocketmine\tile\Tile::writeSaveData) in /home/CityBuild/plugins/TeaSpoon/src/CortexPE/tile/Tile.php on line 61
[15:32:32] [Server thread/EMERGENCY]: An unrecoverable error has occurred and the server has crashed. Creating a crash dump
[15:32:32] [Server thread/EMERGENCY]: Please upload the "/home/CityBuild/crashdumps/Mon_Jul_16-15.32.32-EDT_2018.log" file to the Crash Archive and submit the link to the Bug Reporting page. Give as much info as you can.
Sent from my Alcatel POP 4S using FastHub