CortexPE / TeaSpoon

☕ A PLUGIN to Extend PMMP's Functionality without completely changing it.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
144 stars 100 forks source link

Bug : Entities dropped in flowing water over top of ice, are moving slowly. #357

Closed ver24436 closed 5 years ago

ver24436 commented 5 years ago

Expected result: What were you expecting to happen? Entities dropped in flowing water over top of ice, should significantly speed up their movement.

Actual result: What actually happened? The entities dropped in flowing water over top of ice, are moving slowly.

### Steps to reproduce the issue

  1. Install Pocketmine
  2. install TeaSpoon_dev-265.phar
  3. Run the Server
  4. Create a water channel with ice and add flowing water.
  5. Drop items in water channel and notice their movement is slower then expected.

### OS and versions

PocketMine-MP version: 3.5.2 [Protocol 313] Git commit: fc0782df0218fa4b926060e0ee2b37f1a1cc91eb uname -a: Windows NT D170206 10.0 build 17134 (Windows 10) AMD64 PHP Version: 7.2.11 Zend version: 3.2.0 OS : WINNT, win

### Plugins Test on a clean server without plugins: is the issue reproducible without any plugins loaded?

No, the issue is not reproducible without plugins loaded.

If the issue is not reproducible without plugins: - Paste your list of plugins here (use the 'plugins' command in PocketMine-MP)

TeaSpoon 1.0.1 by CortexPE for API(s) 3.5.1

Video > Server with no plugins :

Video > Server with Teaspoon v1.01 (TeaSpoon_dev-265) :

CortexPE commented 5 years ago

Entity motion (for mobs) isn't implemented by TeaSpoon, we're only relying on PMMP physics... So, yeah.

ver24436 commented 5 years ago

Entity motion (for mobs) isn't implemented by TeaSpoon, we're only relying on PMMP physics... So, yeah.

Thanks for the reply. I thought it strange that teaspoon would have this impact, but I've tested multiple times and the only plugin installed was teaspoon as indicated above. Can you explain, why it only happens when I add your plugin? It's literally the only plugin install and when removed, the issue is gone.

Also maybe I used the wrong terms, but by entities I was not referring to mobs, but more things like cactus and sugarcane or other items dropped into water as you can see in the video's provided. Thanks for taking the time to look into this.