CortexPE / TeaSpoon

☕ A PLUGIN to Extend PMMP's Functionality without completely changing it.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
144 stars 102 forks source link

Crafting Table #461

Closed xSoapers closed 4 years ago

xSoapers commented 4 years ago

when i crafting, the item back to normal

DenielWorld commented 4 years ago

Not TeaSpoon related

xSoapers commented 4 years ago

When i am not use TeaSpoon can crafting a chest and more block :/

note3crafter commented 4 years ago

Yes i have this Proplem :/ Teaspoon need an Update

teracube commented 4 years ago

@CortexPE stopped maintening it ...

ghost commented 4 years ago