Cosecha / redadalertas

A web app for crowdsourcing immigration raid data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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on How docs, reporters and verifiers #32

Open mckennatim opened 7 years ago

mckennatim commented 7 years ago

on How docs, reporters and verifiers

Reporters seem left out in the 'How' wiki docs.

Subscribers just get alerts and have given out little personal info but in 'User Flow" subscribers are like reporters.

It might be clearer to not have 'users' in the docs. Subscribers and Reporters might be better as a description for 'kinds of people' especially as the verifier is some algorithm that fires an alert on some threshold of the weight of evidence from reports.

At this point it reads to me: A verifier is a user, a subscriber is not a user but subscribers get a verification code and have a UserFlow. a user is wrapped in a session so it can report?/verify? Oy.

Shall I try a rewrite?

celsom3 commented 7 years ago

Yes, feel free to suggest any changes. I think it's a publicly editable wiki btw @mckennatim

mckennatim commented 7 years ago

Thanks @celsom3. I hesitate to edit the wiki without first running it by here. I am not sure why a subscriber would not want to click on an SMS alert and go back to the app for more detail. But the app should require a token before it displays that detail. Consider using api-key/token reg/auth for both types of users. This is how I would modify it...


The minimum viable product for this project comes in the form of a mobile accessible web application. This web application will mainly serve two kinds of people:


These people will simply use the app to subscribe to SMS alerts. Clicking on an alert would bring them to the (web)app and additional detail.

Subscription should require a phone number or email, that the system can then confirm with a code to be entered into the web application to verify a number was willingly subscribed by the person owning that phone number/email.

A subscriber could also choose to enter a zip code(s) or city(ies) to indicate the region(s) they want to subscribe to.

Subscriber Flow:

Subscriber can opt to become a Reporter as well and in that role could enter more details to improve geo targeting.

Subscriber can also edit their profile to modify the regions to which they subscribe.


Reporter Flow:

Reporters would start a report by entering a location. Other reports on that location would be displayed. Reporter can either verify an existing report, write a new report or clone an existing report then customize and submit it.

NOTE: It is possible that people can report through SMS, but that hasn't been mapped out yet. You're welcome to make a flowchart of a possible way to do it.

For this group of people, we will need to collect more data to verify identity, and avoid approving a malicious user as a reporter.

A new reporter would start out with a 0 rating. A zero rating might mean


The web application should also have a UI for Administrators. These will be very few people. The main function of these will be to:

shall I modify the wiki?

celsom3 commented 7 years ago

Actually, we not tackle the subscribers for MVP. We are discussing the possibility of creating a Twitter bot that tweets out verified raids at first. Would you like to join the Slack?

mckennatim commented 7 years ago

sure, my slack name is mcktimo