CosmWasm / cw-plus

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How to query validator data in `cosmwasm` contract. #890

Open 99Kies opened 8 months ago

99Kies commented 8 months ago

I want to query validator data in cosmwasm contract, what should I do? (like: delegation,stake,

99Kies commented 8 months ago

I think cosmwasm need add more infomation about validator data.

99Kies commented 8 months ago

In order to query more information about the data (tokens, delegate_shares), I modified validatorsResponse, but this doesn't get me the data I need, why is that?



/// Instances are created in the querier.
pub struct Validator {
    /// The operator address of the validator (e.g. cosmosvaloper1...).
    /// See
    /// for more information.
    /// This uses `String` instead of `Addr` since the bech32 address prefix is different from
    /// the ones that regular user accounts use.
    pub address: String,
    pub commission: Decimal,
    pub max_commission: Decimal,
    /// The maximum daily increase of the commission
    pub max_change_rate: Decimal,
    pub tokens: String,
    pub delegator_shares: String,

/// The data format returned from StakingRequest::AllValidators query
pub struct AllValidatorsResponseBak {
    pub validators: Vec<Validator>,

pub fn execute_test(
    deps: DepsMut,
    _env: Env,
    _info: MessageInfo,
    // beneficiaries: Vec<BeneficiaryBody>,
) -> Result<Response, ContractError> {
    let vals = deps.querier.query_all_validators()?;

    let request = StakingQuery::AllValidators {}.into();
    let data: AllValidatorsResponseBak = deps.querier.query(&request)?;
    let res_data = data.validators;
        .add_attribute("action", "add_whitelists")
        .add_attribute("vals", format!("{:?}", vals))
        .add_attribute("vals", format!("{:?}", res_data)))


Error: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to execute message; message index: 0: Error parsing into type cw_vesting::msg::AllValidatorsResponseBak: missing field `tokens`: execute wasm contract failed [!cosm!wasm/wasmd@v0.43.0/x/wasm/keeper/keeper.go:395] With gas wanted: '18446744073709551615' and gas used: '102538' : unknown request