Provide metabolic engineering tools in !BioPreDyn API.
= Context =
!BioPreDyn mainly deals about manipulating biological models and simulations through the Simulation Experiment Description Markup Language (SED-ML). This language provides the tools for manipulating XML elements (removing a node, changing the value of an attribute, etc), and therefore manipulating models: over-expressing a gene can be seen as changing the value of an attribute, adding a reaction is equivalent to adding a sbml:reaction node to the XML tree... Yet this is not very biologist friendly. Those elementary operations therefore need to be wrapped-up in a more user-oriented form (eventually available through a graphical user interface).
= Success criteria =
High-level metabolic engineering API is available.
= Expected issues =
Translation between XML world and biological world.
= Description =
= Context =
= Success criteria =
= Expected issues =