Cosmoglobe / Commander

Commander is an Optimal Monte-carlo Markov chAiN Driven EstimatoR which implements fast and efficient end-to-end CMB posterior exploration through Gibbs sampling.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Commander timing module #115

Closed dncnwtts closed 2 years ago

dncnwtts commented 3 years ago

Here's a proposal for a Commander timing module. Any comments or suggestions? The idea is essentially to introduce a lot of timers in a new class, and one can start and stop each of them individually (like this: call timer%start(TOT_RUNTIME)), and ask for an ASCII report to be dumped to a given file. There are two types of timers, namely global and per-channel.

module comm_timing_mod
  use comm_utils
  implicit none

  ! Global parameters                                                                                                                                                                         
  integer(i4b), parameter :: NUM_GLOBAL    =  9
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_RUNTIME   =  1
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_AMPSAMP   =  2
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_TODPROC   =  3
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_SPECIND   =  4
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_INIT      =  5
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_FFT       =  6
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_SHT       =  7
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_OUTPUT    =  8
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOT_INIT      =  9

  ! Channel specific parameters                                                                                                                                                               
  integer(i4b), parameter :: NUM_TOD       = 13
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_INIT      =  1
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_SL_PRE    =  2
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_SL_INT    =  3
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_PROJECT   =  4
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_ORBITAL   =  5
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_DECOMP    =  6
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_ABSCAL    =  7
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_RELCAL    =  8
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_DELTAG    =  9
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_NCORR     = 10
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_XI_N      = 11
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_MAPBIN    = 12
  integer(i4b), parameter :: TOD_MAPSOLVE  = 13

  public comm_timing

  type comm_timing
     integer(i4b) :: numband, numsamp, comm, myid, n_tot
     real(dp),     allocatable, dimension(:)   :: t     ! Accumulated time for global timers (NUM_GLOBAL+NUM_TOD*numband)                                                                     
     real(dp),     allocatable, dimension(:)   :: t1    ! Start time for currently active timers for global timers (NUM_GLOBAL+NUM_TOD*numband)                                               
     procedure :: start        => comm_timer_start
     procedure :: start        => comm_timer_start
     procedure :: stop         => comm_timer_stop
     procedure :: incr_numsamp => comm_timer_incr_numsamp
     procedure :: dumpASCII    => comm_timer_dumpASCII
  end type comm_timing

  interface comm_timing
     procedure constructor
  end interface comm_timing


  function constructor(numband, comm) result(res)
    ! Constructor routine for timer object                                                                                                                                                    
    ! Input variables:                                                                                                                                                                        
    !    numband  = number of frequency channels in current run                                                                                                                               
    !    comm     = MPI communicator                                                                                                                                                          
    ! Output variable:                                                                                                                                                                        
    !    res      = pointer to comm_timing object                                                                                                                                             
    implicit none
    integer(i4b),               intent(in) :: numband, comm
    type(comm_timing), pointer             :: res

    integer(i4b) :: ierr

    res%numband = numband
    res%n_tot   = NUM_GLOBAL + NUM_TOD * numband
    res%comm    = comm
    call mpi_comm_rank(comm, res%myid, ierr)

    allocate(res%t(n_tot), res%t1(n_tot))
    res%numsamp = 0
    res%t       = 0.d0
    res%t1      = 0.d0

  end function constructor

  subroutine comm_timer_start(self, timer_id, band)
    ! Routine for starting timers                                                                                                                                                             
    ! Input variables:                                                                                                                                                                        
    !    self     = comm_timing object                                                                                                                                                        
    !    timer_id = timer ID                                                                                                                                                                  
    !    bands    = band ID (optional)                                                                                                                                                        
    implicit none
    type(comm_timing), intent(inout)          :: self
    integer(i4b),      intent(in)             :: timer_id
    integer(i4b),      intent(in),   optional :: band

    integer(i4b) :: i, timer
    real(dp)     :: t1

    call wall_time(t1)
    timer = timer_id; if (present(band)) timer = NUM_GLOBAL + NUM_TOD*(band-1) + timer_id
    self%t1(timer) = t1

  end subroutine comm_timer_start

  subroutine comm_timer_stop(self, timer_id, band)
    ! Routine for stopping timers; difference between t2 and t1 will be                                                                                                                       
    ! accumulated into self%t_tot. Only currently active timers are accumulated                                                                                                               
    ! Input variables:                                                                                                                                                                        
    !    self     = comm_timing object                                                                                                                                                        
    !    timer_id = timer ID                                                                                                                                                                  
    !    bands    = band ID (optional)                                                                                                                                                        
    implicit none
    type(comm_timing), intent(inout)           :: self
    integer(i4b),      intent(in)              :: timer_id
    integer(i4b),      intent(in),   optional  :: band

    integer(i4b) :: i, timer
    real(dp)     :: t2

    timer = timer_id; if (present(band)) timer = NUM_GLOBAL + NUM_TOD*(band-1) + timer_id
    if (self%t1(timer) > 0) then
       call wall_time(t2)
       self%t(timer) = t2 - self%t1(timer)
    end if

  end subroutine comm_timer_stop

  subroutine comm_timer_incr_numsamp(self)
    ! Routine for incrementing sample counter; used to output time per sample                                                                                                                 
    ! Input variables:                                                                                                                                                                        
    !    self     = comm_timing object                                                                                                                                                        
    implicit none
    type(comm_timing),               intent(inout) :: self

    self%numsamp = self%numsamp + 1

  end subroutine comm_timer_incr_numsamp

  subroutine comm_timer_dumpASCII(self, filename)
    ! Routine for outputting timing information                                                                                                                                               
    ! Input variables:                                                                                                                                                                        
    !    self     = comm_timing object                                                                                                                                                        
    !    filename = output filename                                                                                                                                                           
    implicit none
    type(comm_timing),               intent(in) :: self
    character(len=*),                intent(in) :: filename

    integer(i4b) :: unit, ierr, band, b
    real(dp), dimension(NUM_TIMER) :: t

    if (self%numsamp == 0) return

    call mpi_reduce(self%t, t, self%ntot, MPI_DOUBLE_PRECISION, &
         & MPI_SUM, 0, self%comm, ierr)

    if (self%myid == 0) then
       call getlun(unit)
       open(unit,file=trim(filename), recl=1024)
       write(unit,*) 'Timing summary'
       write(unit,*) ''
       write(unit,*) '   Global total timers:'
       write(unit,*) '       Number of samples         = ', self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) '       Total runtime             = ', t(TOT_RUNTIME)
       write(unit,*) '       Initialization            = ', t(TOT_INIT)
       write(unit,*) ''
       write(unit,*) '   Global per-sample timers:'
       write(unit,*) '       Chain output              = ', t(TOT_OUTPUT)  / self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) '       Amplitude sampling        = ', t(TOT_AMPSAMP) / self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) '       Spectral index sampling   = ', t(TOT_SPECIND) / self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) '       TOD processing            = ', t(TOT_TODPROC) / self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) '       Total FFT                 = ', t(TOT_FFT)     / self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) '       Total SHT                 = ', t(TOT_SHT)     / self%numsamp
       write(unit,*) ''
       write(unit,*) '   Channel-specific global timers:'

       do band = 1, self%numband
          b = NUM_GLOBAL + (band-1)*NUM_TOD
          if (all(t(b+1:b+NUM_TOD) == 0.d0)) cycle
          write(unit,*) '     Channel ID                = ', band
          write(unit,*) '     TOD initialization        = ', t(b+TOD_INIT)
          write(unit,*) '     TOD sidelobe precomputation  = ', t(b+TOD_SL_PRE)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD sidelobe interpolation   = ', t(b+TOD_SL_INT)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD sky-to-tod projection    = ', t(b+TOD_PROJECT)  / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD orbital dipole           = ', t(b+TOD_ORBITAL)  / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD decompression            = ', t(b+TOD_DECOMP)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD absolute calibration     = ', t(b+TOD_ABSCAL)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD relative calibration     = ', t(b+TOD_RELCAL)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD delta G calibration      = ', t(b+TOD_DELTAG)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD correlated noise         = ', t(b+TOD_NCORR)    / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD corr noise PSD           = ', t(b+TOD_XI_N)     / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD binning                  = ', t(b+TOD_MAPBIN)   / self%numsamp
          write(unit,*) '     TOD map solution             = ', t(b+TOD_MAPSOLVE) / self%numsamp
       end do
    end if

  end subroutine comm_timer_dumpASCII

end module comm_timing_mod
dncnwtts commented 3 years ago

This seems good to me, although I'm not sure I understand the indexing scheme, where, for example, TOD_INIT and NUM_GLOBAL is the same.

Otherwise I think this looks nice.

hke commented 3 years ago

Yes, the numerical values are the same, but the actual timer index for the channel-specific cases is

index = NUM_GLOBAL + (band-1)*NUM_TOD + {requested timer}

So the per-channel indices are relative to a fixed offset per channel.

Den 19.11.2021 13:30, skrev Duncan Watts: This seems good to me, although I'm not sure I understand the indexing scheme, where, for example, |TOD_INIT| and |NUM_GLOBAL| is the same.

Otherwise I think this looks nice.

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unfunfunt commented 2 years ago

Still missing from this module: