CosmosOS / Cosmos

Cosmos is an operating system "construction kit". Build your own OS using managed languages such as C#, VB.NET, and more!
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The two Warnings That Doesn't Exist In Visual Studio And Don't Have Error Codes Like "-rock has same effect as -rational-rock on this platform." or "creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660." What Is This?Its Happend In Visual Studio 2019 So Fix This With A Update Of VS2019 #2995

Open MateXP20 opened 1 month ago

MateXP20 commented 1 month ago

Have you checked Github Issues for similar errors?

Exception Post the exception returned by Visual Studio

Visual Studio Output Logs Post the entire output log given by Visual Studio for the build

How To Reproduce Describe any changes done to a clean kernel for this error to occur.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Context Before posting please confirm that the following are in order [ ] Both Cosmos VS Extensions are installed [ ] In the NuGet Package Manager "Include prerelease" is selected [ ] The Cosmos NuGet package store is selected (NOT in 'Manage NuGet Packages' [ ] The Cosmos NuGet packages are installed

Add any other context about the problem which might be helpful.

ptobuon commented 2 weeks ago

They are warnings generated by Cosmos, you don't have to worry about them, as long as they don't prevent you from compiling your project.