CosmosOS / XSharp

X# is a HLA (High Level Assembler) for X86/X64 (ARM coming) assembly language
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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add intelisense to x# vs #5

Open jp2masa opened 6 years ago

jp2masa commented 6 years ago

From @furesoft on July 15, 2017 8:28

Copied from original issue: CosmosOS/Cosmos#699

jp2masa commented 6 years ago

From @mihail-mojsoski on July 15, 2017 15:44

Why is this needed? This is like adding it to ASM.

jp2masa commented 6 years ago

From @0xF6 on July 16, 2017 4:17

Indeed, why it needed? X# intuitive and easy~

Although do not exclude, for beginner's it would be useful~

jp2masa commented 6 years ago

From @fanoI on July 16, 2017 11:24

Well Intellisense will give auto-completion and other goodies so why not? I don't know how much this is easy to do... probably we will revisit this when we will make X# a proper language (that is when it is compiled directly to binary code, not a "transpiler" as is now).