CostaAnthony / LostInTheSauce

2D platformer game, created in CSC 325 class with Anthony Costa, Umer Shaikh Siddiqi, Jay Patel, Ian Azimov
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Local co-op #19

Open CostaAnthony opened 1 month ago

CostaAnthony commented 1 month ago

In our proposal, we said that we would add a local co-op mode. Not super necessary to the game's function but we should add it so we don't disappoint our supporters.

CostaAnthony commented 1 month ago

ideas on how we're gonna do it-- -on the home screen we change the "play" button to "Single Player". -then add another button below it named "Local co-op". -the levels should be the same, except we should mirror the levels and have the players start on opposite sides and converge in the middle so the game looks bigger and more suited for multiple players.