CostaAnthony / LostInTheSauce

2D platformer game, created in CSC 325 class with Anthony Costa, Umer Shaikh Siddiqi, Jay Patel, Ian Azimov
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Movement Bug #23

Closed CostaAnthony closed 1 month ago

CostaAnthony commented 1 month ago

the way that collision works in the levels makes it so that if the player touches the side of a platform they just teleport to the top of it, this does create a problem with the level design. This glitch makes it so that the player can just skip to the end with little difficulty. This is not a HUGE problem but if it can be fixed that would make the gaming experience better and more smooth. @CostaAnthony will attempt to work on this but might pass it to someone else due to time restraints.

CostaAnthony commented 1 month ago

I fixed this bug by creating another collision checker and made it so that when the player touches the platforms and is lower than them, they keep falling and don't go through the platforms. Completed 5/1/2024.