CostaLab / scMEGA

scMEGA: Single-cell Multiomic Enhancer-based Gene regulAtory network inference
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Install error #7

Closed lvxiaoshuo closed 1 year ago

lvxiaoshuo commented 1 year ago

Hi, @

We were very interested in Mega, but we had problems with the installation process. As follows:

`devtools: : install_github (" CostaLab/scMEGA ")

Downloading GitHub repo CostaLab/scMEGA@HEAD

Skipping 6 packages not available: SummarizedExperiment, S4Vectors, GenomicRanges, IRanges, ComplexHeatmap, destiny

✔ checking for file '/ home/data/ssy342 / Rtmp/RtmpBelAZf remotes1f338c5ddde3d1 / CostaLab - scMEGA - 205 b3ca/DESCRIPTION'...

─ preparing 'scMEGA:

✔ Checking DESCRIPTION Meta-information...

─ cleaning SRC

─ checking for LF the line - endings in the source and the make files and shell scripts

─ checking for empty or unneeded directories

─ building 'scMEGA_0. 2.0. Tar. Gz'

Installing package into '/ home/data/ssy342 / R/x86_64 - PC - Linux - the gnu library / 4.1'

(as the 'lib' is unspecified)

ERROR: dependency 'destiny' is not available for package 'scMEGA'

Warning message:

In i.p(...) :

The installation of package '/ home/data/ssy342 / Rtmp/RtmpBelAZf file1f338c54f19dd1 / scMEGA_0. 2.0. Tar. Gz' had non - zero exit Status"`

When we try to install using "devtools::install_local("./scMEGA-0.2.0.tar.gz"), we still get the same previous error.

So how can we solve this problem? Hope to get your help.

lvxiaoshuo commented 1 year ago

Thank you, MEGA was successfully installed when we installed the dependency package "Destiny"