CosyClub / ProjectTempo

Rave Cave, A rhythm based MMO where players rock out together!
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New Button Mechanics #131

Closed grant-m-s closed 6 years ago

grant-m-s commented 6 years ago

All the addition button mechanics have just built on top of the original buttonGroup mechanics. All the code has also been networked.

The current level has changed by having a rhythm button at the start (only req 1 player) and a spikes button trail mid-level (requires 3 players).

Game Additions: Rhythm Buttons:

Triggerable Spikes:

File Changes: ComponentButtonGroup:


Server Main:



Rendering Component & System for spikes

AnthonyWharton commented 6 years ago

Initial impressions - looks good from playing! Yet to have a nose around the code. Also haven't been able to test the things that require multiple people.

grant-m-s commented 6 years ago

The spike buttons can be tested just by opening another client as the ones in this level are just the normal ones.

I'll swap out the spike mesh soon.

I think the way its implemented is better as the whole idea is collaboration and rhythm if you let people move off the buttons then you've lost both of them in my opinion

AnthonyWharton commented 6 years ago

Cool, Cool, and fair enough. I just wonder if it could be annoying to be pinned to a button whilst your friends have to mess about. Will have to play test - fairly simple to implement I imagine :)

grant-m-s commented 6 years ago

I'm against leaving it a beat because once again the whole idea is rhythm. However having discussed with codrin, I will add arrow texture to top of buttons to show where the players need to go next