Cotix / cReddit

CLI Reddit client written in C. Oh, crossplatform too!
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No man page #55

Open gridsystem opened 10 years ago

gridsystem commented 10 years ago

Please stick the git readme in a man page! I'm not keen on referring to websites when I'm working (or playing) in terminal.

mkilgore commented 10 years ago

I agree, I'd like to do that as well (As well as include docs for libreddit). I don't know much about how man pages are made/stored, and how to handle them though, so I'll have to do some research on it.

omajid commented 10 years ago

man pages are essentially text files written in a special markup language. man is mostly a wrapper over troff (or groff) programs which read this file and display in the style of the traditional man page.

A good overview of the syntax is available here.

That said, compared to modern markup languages, it's quite hard to write directly. It's quite common to have this as the generated output from another program. Docbook has man output, as do pandoc and asciidoc (a2x).