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Relative links in RSS #369

Closed trustmaster closed 13 years ago

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

In order for RSS export to work with external feed aggregators (like FeedBurner), all links in RSS entries must be absolute. For this reason images with relative path do not show up on exported RSS feeds.

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

This is the RSS file for Genoa 0.6.5 :

If you run it in W3C Validator you see the following problem, among many!! : This feed does not validate. line 36, column 34: link must be a full and valid URL: page.php?id=4224 (23 occurrences) [help] <![CDATA[page.php?id=4224]]>

This is a fully functioning and VALID RSS : with ABSOLUTE Links. My version is the version 0.0.3, but enhanced :)

Please amend changes since this is a quick fix, in my opinion.

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

How did you fix the links there?

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

Replying to [comment:2 Trustmaster]:

How did you fix the links there?

Here is my RSS file, so you can have a look :)

{{{ <?PHP /**

/ Example of feeds: rss.php?c=news (or other category) rss.php?c=comments&id=XX rss.php?c=forums rss.php?c=topics&id=XX rss.php?c=section&id=XX (this and all subsections) /

define('SED_CODE', TRUE); $location = "RSS";

// TODO move this to config $cfg_timetolive = 30; // refresh cache every N seconds $cfg_maxitems = 200; // max items in rss $cfg_charset = "UTF-8";

require_once ('./datas/config.php'); require_once ($cfg['system_dir'].'/functions.php'); //require_once ($cfg['system_dir'].'/database.'.$cfg['sqldb'].'.php'); require_once ($cfg['system_dir'].'/common.php'); require_once ($cfg['system_dir'].'/lang/'.$cfg['defaultlang']."/main.lang.php");

$c = sed_import('c', 'G', 'ALP'); $id = sed_import('id', 'G', 'INT'); if ($c=="") $c = "news";

header('Content-type: text/xml'); $sys['now'] = time(); $cache = sed_cacheget("rss".$c.$id); if ($cache) { echo $cache; // output cache if avaiable exit(); }

$rss_title = $cfg['maintitle']; $rss_link = $cfg['mainurl']; $rss_description = $cfg['subtitle'];

$domain = str_replace("http://","",$cfg['mainurl']);

/* === Hook === _/ $extp = sed_getextplugins('rss.create'); if (is_array($extp)) { foreach($extp as $k=>$pl) { include_once ($cfg['plugins_dir'].'/'.$pl['pl_code'].'/'.$pl['plfile'].'.php'); } } / ===== */

if ($c == "comments") { // == Comments rss == $page_id = $id;

$rss_title = "Comments for ".$cfg['maintitle'];

$sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_pages WHERE page_id='$page_id' LIMIT 1");
if (sed_sql_affectedrows()>0)
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
    if(sed_auth('page', $row['page_cat'], 'R'))
        $rss_title = $row['page_title'];
        $rss_description = $L['rss_comments_item_desc'];

        $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_com WHERE com_code='p$page_id' ORDER BY com_date DESC LIMIT $cfg_maxitems");
        $i = 0;
        while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql))
            $sql2 = sed_sql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_users WHERE user_id='".$row['com_authorid']."' LIMIT 1");
            $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql2);
            $items[$i]['title'] = $L['rss_comment']." ".$row2['user_name'];
            $text = sed_parse(sed_cc($row['com_text']), $cfg['parsebbcodecom'], $cfg['parsesmiliescom'], 1);
            $text = sed_post_parse($text, 'pages');
            $items[$i]['description'] = $text;
            $items[$i]['link'] = SED_ABSOLUTE_URL.sed_url('page', "id=$page_id", '#c'.$row['com_id'], true);
            $items[$i]['pubDate'] = date('r', $row['com_date']);
        // Attach original page text as last item
        $sql = sed_sql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_pages WHERE page_id='$page_id' LIMIT 1");
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql);
        $items[$i]['title'] = $L['rss_original'];
        //$items[$i]['description'] = sed_parse_page_text($row['page_text']);
        $items[$i]['description'] = $row['page_html']; // TODO page_text parse
        $items[$i]['link'] = SED_ABSOLUTE_URL.sed_url('page', "id=$page_id", '', true);
        $items[$i]['pubDate'] = date('r', $row['page_date']);

} elseif ($c == "topics") { // == All posts of topic == $topic_id = $id;

// is topic private ?
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_topics WHERE ft_id='$topic_id'";
$res = sed_sql_query($sql);
if (sed_sql_affectedrows()>0)
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    if ($row['ft_mode']=='1')
    exit(); // this topic is private

    $rss_title = $domain." : ".$row['ft_title'];
    $rss_description = $L['rss_topic_item_desc'];

    // check forum read permission for guests
    $forum_id = $row['ft_sectionid'];
    if(!sed_auth('forums', $forum_id, 'R' )) exit("not readable for guests");

    // get number of posts in topic
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $db_forum_posts WHERE fp_topicid='$topic_id'";
    $res = sed_sql_query($sql);
    $totalposts = sed_sql_result($res,0,"COUNT(*)");

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_posts WHERE fp_topicid='$topic_id' ORDER BY fp_creation DESC LIMIT $cfg_maxitems";
    $res = sed_sql_query($sql);
    $i = 0;
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $curpage = $cfg['maxtopicsperpage'] * floor($totalposts/$cfg['maxtopicsperpage']);

        $post_id = $row['fp_id'];
        $items[$i]['title'] = $row['fp_postername'];
        $items[$i]['description'] = $row['fp_html'];
        $items[$i]['link'] = SED_ABSOLUTE_URL.sed_url('forums', "m=posts&q=$topic_id&d=$curpage", "#post$post_id", true);
        $items[$i]['pubDate'] = date('r', $row['fp_creation']);

} elseif ($c == "section") { // == All posts of section == $forum_id = $id;

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_sections WHERE fs_id = '$forum_id'";
$res = sed_sql_query($sql);
if (sed_sql_affectedrows()>0)
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $section_title = $row['fs_title'];
    $section_desc = $row['fs_desc'];
    $rss_title = $section_title;
    $rss_description = $section_desc;

    $where = "fp_sectionid = '$forum_id'";
    // get subsections
    $sql = "SELECT fs_id FROM $db_forum_sections WHERE fs_mastername = '$section_title'";
    $res = sed_sql_query($sql);
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $where .= " OR fp_sectionid ='{$row['fs_id']}'";

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_posts WHERE $where ORDER BY fp_creation DESC LIMIT $cfg_maxitems ";
    $res = sed_sql_query($sql);
    $i = 0;

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $post_id = $row['fp_id'];
        $topic_id = $row['fp_topicid'];

        $flag_private = 0;
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_topics WHERE ft_id='$topic_id'";
        $res2 = sed_sql_query($sql);
        $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);
        $topic_title = $row2['ft_title'];
        if ($row2['ft_mode']=='1')
        $flag_private = 1;

        if (!$flag_private AND sed_auth('forums', $forum_id, 'R'))
            $items[$i]['title'] = $row['fp_postername']." - ".$topic_title;
            $items[$i]['description'] = $row['fp_html'];
            $items[$i]['link'] = SED_ABSOLUTE_URL.sed_url('forums', "m=posts&id=$post_id", "", true);
            $items[$i]['pubDate'] = date('r', $row['fp_creation']);

} elseif ($c == "forums") { // == All posts on forums == $rss_title = $domain." : ".$L['rss_allforums_item_title']; $rss_description = "";

$sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_posts ORDER BY fp_creation DESC LIMIT $cfg_maxitems ";
$res = sed_sql_query($sql);
$i = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
    $post_id = $row['fp_id'];
    $topic_id = $row['fp_topicid'];
    $forum_id = $row['fp_sectionid'];

    $flag_private = 0;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_forum_topics WHERE ft_id='$topic_id'";
    $res2 = sed_sql_query($sql);
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($res2);
    $topic_title = $row2['ft_title'];
    if ($row2['ft_mode']=='1')
    $flag_private = 1;

    if (!$flag_private AND sed_auth('forums', $forum_id, 'R'))
        $items[$i]['title'] = $row['fp_postername']." - ".$topic_title;
        $items[$i]['description'] = $row['fp_html'];
        $items[$i]['link'] = SED_ABSOLUTE_URL.sed_url('forums', "m=posts&id=$post_id", "", true);
        //$items[$i]['link'] = $cfg['mainurl']."/forums.php?m=posts&id=$post_id";
        $items[$i]['pubDate'] = date('r', $row['fp_creation']);

} else { // == Category rss == $res = sed_sql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_structure"); $flag = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) if ($c==$row['structure_code']) { $flag = 1; $category_path = $row['structure_path']; } if($flag!=0 AND sed_auth('page', $c, 'R')) { // found subcategories $where = "0"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_structure WHERE structure_path LIKE '%$category_path%'"; $res = sed_sql_query($sql); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) $where .= " OR page_cat = '".$row['structure_code']."'";

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM $db_pages WHERE ($where) AND page_state = '0' ORDER BY page_date DESC LIMIT $cfg_maxitems";
    $res = sed_sql_query($sql);
    $i = 0;
    while($pag = mysql_fetch_assoc($res))
        $items[$i]['title'] = $pag['page_title'];
        $items[$i]['link'] = SED_ABSOLUTE_URL.sed_url('page', "id=".$pag['page_id'], '', true);
        //$items[$i]['link'] = $cfg['mainurl']."/page.php?id=".$pag['page_id'];
        $items[$i]['pubDate'] = date('r', $pag['page_date']);
        $items[$i]['description'] = sed_parse_page_text($pag);


// RSS output $out = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"".$cfg_charset."\"?>\n"; $out .= "<rss version=\"2.0\" xmlns:atom=\"\">\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "".$rss_title.": ".$c."\n"; $out .= "".$rss_link."\n"; $out .= "".$rss_description."\n"; $out .= "".$rss_title."\n"; $out .= "Copyright 2002-2009 ".$rss_title."\n"; $out .= "".date("r", time())."\n"; $out .= "".date("r",time())."\n"; $out .= "60\n"; $out .= "en-us\n\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "".$rss_title.": ".$c."\n"; $out .= "".$rss_description."\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "64\n"; $out .= "64\n"; $out .= "".$rss_link."\n"; $out .= "\n"; if (count($items)>0) { foreach($items as $item) { $out .= "\n"; $out .= "".htmlspecialchars($item['title'])."\n"; $out .= "<![CDATA[".$item['description']."]]>\n"; $out .= "".$item['pubDate']."\n"; $out .= "<![CDATA[".$item['link']."]]>\n"; $out .= "<guid isPermaLink=\"true\"><![CDATA[".$item['link']."]]>\n"; $out .= "\n"; } } $out .= "<atom:link href=\"".$rss_link."/rss.php?c=$c\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />\n"; $out .= "\n"; $out .= "";

/* === Hook === _/ $extp = sed_getextplugins('rss.output'); if (is_array($extp)) { foreach($extp as $k=>$pl) { include_once ($cfg['plugins_dir'].'/'.$pl['pl_code'].'/'.$pl['plfile'].'.php'); } } / ===== */

sed_cachestore("rss".$c.$id, $out, $cfg_timetolive); echo $out;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

function sed_parse_page_text($pag) { global $cfg, $db_pages; switch($pag['page_type']) { case '1': $text = $pag['page_text']; break; case '2': if ($cfg['allowphp_pages']&&$cfg['allowphp_override']) { ob_start(); eval($pag['page_text']); $text = ob_get_clean(); }else { $text = "The PHP mode is disabled for pages.
Please see the administration panel, then \"Configuration\", then \"Parsers\"."; } break; default: if ($cfg['parser_cache']) { if (empty($pag['page_html'])&&!empty($pag['page_text'])) { $pag['page_html'] = sed_parse(sed_cc($pag['page_text']), $cfg['parsebbcodepages'], $cfg['parsesmiliespages'], 1); sed_sql_query("UPDATE $db_pages SET page_html = '".sed_sql_prep($pag['page_html'])."' WHERE page_id = ".$pag['page_id']); } $html = $cfg['parsebbcodepages'] ? sed_post_parse($pag['page_html']) : sed_cc($pag['page_text']); $text = $html; }else { $text = sed_parse(sed_cc($pag['page_text']), $cfg['parsebbcodepages'], $cfg['parsesmiliespages'], 1); $text = sed_post_parse($text, 'pages'); } break; } return $text; }

?> }}}

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

In 0.6.5 it's only missing SED_ABSOLUTE_URL at line 268 which I will add immediately. But this ticket also involves in-text links, images and any relative urls used in RSS.

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

Replying to [comment:4 Trustmaster]:

In 0.6.5 it's only missing SED_ABSOLUTE_URL at line 268 which I will add immediately. But this ticket also involves in-text links, images and any relative urls used in RSS.

Regarding Images, Links : I've setup BBCodes for this, it's a workaround, that works, even if it is dirty! The problem with the RSS output has to do with parsing page and forum content.

trustmaster commented 13 years ago

Fixed in r1104