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Site feedback RJ 2024-04-24 #12

Closed richard-jones closed 4 weeks ago

richard-jones commented 2 months ago
richard-jones commented 2 months ago

Here is the list of clients, their names to use, and the logos to use:

richard-jones commented 2 months ago

Projects to include on the Bespoke Developments page:

These are the ones with an x in the column M in the projects sheet:

For completeness, these are:

richard-jones commented 2 months ago

Project names, links and logos

If we could include the link to the project on the project page that would be great.

richard-jones commented 2 months ago

SWORD screenshots, I'm afraid they are not much to look at!

Screenshot from 2024-04-24 15-55-29 Screenshot from 2024-04-24 15-56-04 Screenshot from 2024-04-24 16-07-35

richard-jones commented 2 months ago

City of Culture screenshots

Screenshot from 2024-04-24 16-09-38 Screenshot from 2024-04-24 16-09-08 Screenshot from 2024-04-24 16-19-10

amdomanska commented 2 months ago

@richard-jones a few comments to your feedback. I've copied your list for convenience, if I haven't added anything you may assume simple :+1: ;)


Could we just make sure that the full project name is bold at the very beginning of that description?

amdomanska commented 2 months ago

To do for me:

amdomanska commented 2 months ago


On the front page rename "Access Data Repositories" to just "Data Repositories"

My aim was to make sure that the link texts are "actionable" - therefore the verb at the beginning of each of them (Explore..., Visualise..., Craft...). Making link texts actionable is essential for enhancing user engagement and navigation on the website. When links contain actionable language, such as verbs or phrases prompting action, they provide clear direction to users on what to expect when they click. This clarity reduces ambiguity, improves the user experience, and increases the likelihood of users interacting with the content. We will lose this (and consistency) if we remove the word "Access...". Could you suggest some other verb that fits there better?

  1. EMLO project is listed as Featured but has no searchable tags :slightly_smiling_face:

The "Go back to the project browser" button seems rather large and intrusive, is there a better more discrete but usable way to do this? Perhaps a breadcrumb? You're right, that's definitely is not the good place for the primary button! But a breadcrumb would be a little over the top here as we don't have complicated hierarchy (unless we introduce it everywhere on the site. I'll change it to something more subtle.

I have removed the back link alltogether but added the target="_blank" to the project browser - every project will open in a separate window. What do you think?

richard-jones commented 1 month ago

Do we need the home icon on the top right, since the CL logo also takes you home? If so, is it possible to make it a cottage? :) Yes, it's a good practice to add separate link for Home apart from the logo. It actually should be just text "home" to make it clear. Is that ok? RJ: yes, sure

This became the text "Homepage", can we just use "Home" instead?

The logos for partners should link to the partner sites. I will provide links

I think there was some confusion here. I didn't mean the CL partners (my, Steve, Anusha), I meant the "Trusted Partners", i.e. the clients. The link gives you a comment with the client name and their website

On the Our Projects page, change the header All Projects to Featured Projects

To clarify, this is the header is "All Projects" just above the project logos, not the main title "Our Projects". It is called "Featured Projects" everywhere else on the website

Steven-Eardley commented 1 month ago

Clipping on the project lifecycle diagram:
