CottageLabs / website

company graphics and website
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Site Feedback RJ/SE 2024-05-17 #15

Closed richard-jones closed 4 weeks ago

richard-jones commented 1 month ago

home page

oa infrastructure page

our projects

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nglp project page

Try this doc for a source of screenshots prototypes.pdf

amdomanska commented 1 month ago

The fading on the logos doesn't work. I propose either a traditional kind of carousel with automatic transition between the sets, or I can write some JS if you need which would scroll the logos up line by line, while still only showing 9 - let me know.

I've considered a carousel but a) it's not easy to do without the js anyway (and we wanted no js for the website) and b) it's not nicest solution when we have only 2 sets of logo. I'm not sure what you mean by "line by line" but go for it if you think it will look better

The gradients don't work on the logos, we think we just need a per-logo background. Basically, a dark one for light logos and a light one for dark logos

Yes, I wrote somewhere that the gradient is not the best solution. I sure can do the per-logo-backgreound, but are you sure you want all the logos on the light background and only 3 on the dark one? I'd advice to just flip the logos from white to dark. I'll change it for you as it is a quick thing, but I'm convinced it won't look good.

We would like a different footer, and we really do like the footer from the existing webpage: a thicker dark footer with all the information in it. Can we just put that, or something very similar in? We even would like the cottage on top of the footer back please :)

  1. We don't use that grey anymore. I can just do the black background with light letters but, again, we don't do it anywhere else. Most of the pages is short enough for the footer to be visible all the time. It will be very prominent and standing out drawing attention to that part of the website.
  2. Do you want me to add more information to the footer just as on the old website? And if so - should I remove them from the "about" page? Or you would like me to keep the footer smaller? We agreed on moving this information from the footer to the About page at the beginning of the design process
  3. The cottage alone is only a part of our logo. We do use the smoke bubble consistently now and the path. Are you sure you want to go back to the old logo version?

On the left of the home page, we think the style should be the same as the rollup! That is, put the colour bar at the top and bottom as it is on the new rollup, and use the coloured versions of the icons for each service. Combined with a new, dark footer, that would look like the rollup is sitting on a platform. We don't think we should include the repo logos just yet, but maybe we'd change our minds when we see it.

A few issues here:

  1. We don't really use the bars anywhere else. I added them to the hover effect as they are very prominent. Of course I can add them to the homepage but they will be sitting there a bit disconnected and without any function. In the rollup they are separators between the logo/header area, services area and the footer with the repos. In the homepage this is not needed as the header and the footer are separated by themselves.

  2. I really like the idea of the coloured icons, but how would you like me to tackle the hovering of the links?

richard-jones commented 1 month ago

We don't use that grey anymore. I can just do the black background with light letters but, again, we don't do it anywhere else. Most of the pages is short enough for the footer to be visible all the time. It will be very prominent and standing out drawing attention to that part of the website.

Yeah, I wasn't thinking we would reintroduce the grey, but I'm happy with something of a similar nature, in a suitable colour from the chosen pallette.

Do you want me to add more information to the footer just as on the old website? And if so - should I remove them from the "about" page? Or you would like me to keep the footer smaller? We agreed on moving this information from the footer to the About page at the beginning of the design process

Yeah, we think the same content with the exception of the LinkedIn and Facebook links, and then we can remove some of the company info from the about page.

The cottage alone is only a part of our logo. We do use the smoke bubble consistently now and the path. Are you sure you want to go back to the old logo version?

No, we love the new logo, we just really like the house on its own sitting on the footer too. If it really doesn't work, fine, but we would like to try it first

richard-jones commented 1 month ago

We don't really use the bars anywhere else. I added them to the hover effect as they are very prominent. Of course I can add them to the homepage but they will be sitting there a bit disconnected and without any function. In the rollup they are separators between the logo/header area, services area and the footer with the repos. In the homepage this is not needed as the header and the footer are separated by themselves.

If they come out of the sides of the box, we think they'll look quite nice, so lets have a look at it.

I really like the idea of the coloured icons, but how would you like me to tackle the hovering of the links?

Can they not still have the animations anyway? Just on the coloured background?