CottonMC / CottonResources

Reference mod for ores, ingots, tools, liquids, and all you can imagine.
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Bronze, Silicon, and Beryllium #51

Open WrongWeekend opened 4 years ago

WrongWeekend commented 4 years ago

I didn't see these substances addressed much, if at all, so I decided to make a case for implementing them here.

Bronze: Contrary to popular belief, bronze is not wholly inferior to iron. It is harder than wrought iron and less brittle than cast iron. It is also much easier to smelt copper and tin and cast bronze than it is to refine iron, which requires higher temperatures and additional additives and processing. The main impetus for using iron over bronze is the fact that iron is virtually omnipresent in contrast to the rarer copper and (especially) tin. Once the technology for smelting and forging iron had developed, it could be used to make a much larger quantity of tools and weapons than could be done with bronze.

Bronze is most useful in primitive technology or survivalist type mods/modpacks like TerraFirmaCraft, where the progression follows history and does not allow players to immediately smelt iron. In this type of gameplay, players usually are required to make stone tools, seek out and mine sources of copper and tin, then use copper and/or bronze to create the necessary items for iron processing. If the smelting and forging mechanics are particularly in-depth, bronze is usually easier to work with (provided the raw materials can be acquired).

Bronze also has been used as a high quality material for cannon construction, due to its low metal/metal friction, as well as for electronics, tools, ship propellors, and mechanical components. The main characteristics that set it apart from brass are its greater hardness and greater corrosion resistance. As such, it may have a distinct role in advanced technology mods as well. The color of bronze could be an off-gold color, more reddish than brass.

Silicon: The "ore" (silicon dioxide) is already present in Minecraft in the form of nether quartz and sand. This could be produced by filtering sand or grinding quartz into silica dust, which could be smelted into pure silicon. Silicon has numerous applications in electronics, building materials, adhesives, and other compounds. It is already used by a wide variety of technology mods. The color of silicon items could be a dark, shiny gray.

Beryllium: Like silicon the "ore" for this (emeralds) already exists in Minecraft. The real process for extracting beryllium is quite complicated, but could be simplified in this mod to smelting emerald dust in a furnace to get a beryllium nugget. Beryllium is unique due to having a light weight, high melting point, and high thermal stability. This has made it useful in the aerospace industry for both external components and internal electronic and navigational instruments. Beryllium metals and alloys are also used in environments involving x-rays, particle physics, and magnetism, as beryllium interacts very little with these. It would be primarily another high-tech metal, but it would also give emeralds a broader use beyond currency or improvised tools. The metal is silvery gray like most but could be given a greenish tint to match its raw material.

i509VCB commented 4 years ago

I'll considered looking into these once I get this working on 1.15 (shouldnt take too long hopefully)