CottonMC / Epicurean

The food revolution for Fabric 1.15
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Crash on World loading with latest Fabric API #19

Closed lizfinite closed 5 years ago

lizfinite commented 5 years ago

Updated to the most recent Fabric Build in my mod pack and started getting a crash on world load. Something about: Int2ObjectMap contained two equal IDs 0 (minecraft:air/837 -> minecraft:air/0)!

Tested with:

Pastebin Crash (No mods besides dependencies)

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

The hotfix builds have replaced the broken builds. I've been running into this air issue for a while and I have no idea what's been causing it.

Knito58 commented 5 years ago

I could not load my saved worlds again and after long investigating I isolated this mod as the cause. I'm very sorry because I tend to use the farming hoppers a lot.

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

I still don't know what's going on here.

Knito58 commented 5 years ago

I only found a hint about "air" in the Maybe disabling this class in a test build for 1.14.2 leads to loadable world saves?

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

No, this is happening outside of the air bug too. I think it might be something with Fabric API.

Knito58 commented 5 years ago

Ok. I see.

Sammagoat commented 5 years ago

I am having the same issue, but with different IDs (minecraft:air/696 -> minecraft:air/0). I'm also running Fabric 0.4.8 for MC 1.14.2. Not sure if that info will help at all.

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

I believe this may be an issue with the new fabric API.

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

This is indeed a Fabric API issue.