CottonMC / Epicurean

The food revolution for Fabric 1.15
MIT License
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crash on dedicated servers due to environment annotation missing #6

Closed LemmaEOF closed 5 years ago

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

put an @Environment annotation on cloth config init and move the code that calls it into ClientModInitializer

also either delete the recipe book group mixin or move it to client json

ImAK9 commented 5 years ago

I guess this is the same crash?

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

Nope, that's something from Fabric API.

Juuxel commented 5 years ago

AK9's log also has this at the top: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_299 was not found epicurean.common.json:MixinRecipeBookGroups

LemmaEOF commented 5 years ago

Yes, but that's not the cause of the crash. I will be fixing that at the same time though.