Cotya / magento-composer-installer

Composer installer for Magento modules
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magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer has unpushed changes on the current branch #107

Closed razbakov closed 8 years ago

razbakov commented 8 years ago
The "magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer" plugin requires composer-plugin-api 1.0.0, this *WILL* break in the future and it should be fixed ASAP (require ^1.0 for example).
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-mbstring (dev-master 1289d16)
    Cloning 1289d16209491b584839022f29257ad859b8532d

  - Installing symfony/console (2.8.x-dev 9a5aef5)
    Cloning 9a5aef5fc0d4eff86853d44202b02be8d5a20154

  - Updating justinrainbow/json-schema dev-master (5a49ebd => 61a95a1)
    Checking out 61a95a151aac86eaa9bbd31311d3d12a78c971b8

  - Updating magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer dev-master (c89683a => f23b72c)

  Source directory ./vendor/magento-hackathon/magento-composer-installer has unpushed changes on the current branch:   
  M composer.json                                                                                                                                                    
  M src/MagentoHackathon/Composer/Magento/Deploystrategy/Copy.php                                                                                                    
  M src/MagentoHackathon/Composer/Magento/Deploystrategy/Symlink.php                                                                                                 
  M src/MagentoHackathon/Composer/Magento/GitIgnore.php                                                                                                              
  M src/MagentoHackathon/Composer/Magento/Installer/CoreInstaller.php                                                                                                
  M tests/FullStackTest/magento-modules/composer_1.json                                                                                                              
  M tests/FullStackTest/magento-modules/composer_1_copy.json                                                                                                         
  M tests/FullStackTest/magento-modules/composer_1_copy_force.json                                                                                                   
  M tests/MagentoHackathon/Composer/Magento/Deploystrategy/CopyTest.php                                                                                              

install [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--dry-run] [--dev] [--no-dev] [--no-plugins] [--no-custom-installers] [--no-autoloader] [--no-scripts] [--no-progress] [-v|vv|vvv|--verbose] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--] [<packages>]...

does it happen because of history rewrites? i found similar issue

Flyingmana commented 8 years ago

thats interesting.... thats because recently I changed the master to the current 3.0 branch, as master was in some configs used as "highest available version"

If you compare both commits and you see, they are in different branches, and thats probably the reason this fails.

I will be carefull in the future, so I dont need to change master reference again from one branch to another.

razbakov commented 8 years ago

yeah, would be nice to keep history without rewrites