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Feature: Moderation tools #4241

Open aapeliv opened 2 months ago

schradert commented 1 month ago

@jesseallhands @aapeliv what other tools are we thinking are needed? correct me if I'm wrong: the current state of moderation tooling is Jesse migrating otobo labels to chatwoot and then there is also an admin console where you guys actually ban users and now leave admin notes on important details?

aapeliv commented 1 month ago

Sorry, some of these issues are kind of todos for me to keep in mind so I don’t lose them…

For these moderation features, before we can release the full notifications to everyone, we need to add some moderation system that either has humans look at things before we notify a bunch of people, or uses some automatic algorithm and puts flagged things in the human queue.

I’ll write down some more thoughts soon. I’m still thinking it through.

schradert commented 1 month ago

No worries, thanks for adding this detail. I understand what you're going for now. People will be able to disable notifications for specific events, right? And notification in this context means receive an email?

While volume is still pretty low, maybe human moderation of everything makes sense. It would need to be clear to event creators that approval is part of the process now, which would involve changes creators might be annoyed by. Maybe it would start as a superadmin thing and then could be made community builders' responsibility as the community grows?

What type of abuse are we most afraid of? Advertisement for things that aren't actual community events feels like it could happen. Also sketchy malware links would be terrible... If we were to go semi-automated, I don't know any good services for flagging either type, and we probably don't want to attempt to invent our own heuristic