Our designs includes a header that can change its content per page.
Create a wrapper component (one that can have children) that includes a title and subtitle prop that matches the designs above. Essentially it should just have the title, subtitle, whatever child components get passed in, and a bottom border.
Don't make it a flex container, a regular \<div> should do so we always have full control over how the child content appears.
It doesn't have to have any state or anything, the props will be regular strings.
Our designs includes a header that can change its content per page.
Create a wrapper component (one that can have children) that includes a title and subtitle prop that matches the designs above. Essentially it should just have the title, subtitle, whatever child components get passed in, and a bottom border.
Don't make it a flex container, a regular \<div> should do so we always have full control over how the child content appears.
It doesn't have to have any state or anything, the props will be regular strings.