CougsInSpace / CougSat1-Software

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IHU: Implement filestorage system on SD Cards #326

Open priddis opened 5 years ago

christianrouhana commented 5 years ago

Wiring complete. FAT32 file system created. Working on accessing specific files.

christianrouhana commented 5 years ago

Writing to LittleFileSystem with HeapBlockDevice complete. Now working on LittleFileSystem with an external BlockDevice.

christianrouhana commented 5 years ago

FATFileSystem and LittleFileSystem successfully implemented on SDBlockDevice with Nucleo-L476RG specifically. Successfully managed to format, create file, read the file, and then read the created file on restart.

WHOmagoo commented 5 years ago

Can you please push your code? I'm looking to doing something similar and would like to see how you have done this.

christianrouhana commented 5 years ago

Pushed to FILESYS branch.
