Closed evamaxfield closed 4 years ago
What are some examples of critical errors?
Right now, I'm showing the error msg for any errors that occur because of inconsistent data from the database. If db.selectRowbById return an undefined value, I'll show the error msg. I also have errors for a transcript that don't exist or failed to download transcript content.
In general, if any of API calls have an error, I'll show the error msg.
I am using Error Boundary to show the error msg. <ErrorBoundary><Component/></ErrorBoundary>
means that if the inside component has any errors, ErrorBoundary will show the error msg. I have the ErrorBoundary wrapped around all the components in /pages dir and also App.js. Basically, I catch and show error msg for almost all errors.
Are there any errors that we don't want to show the error msg?
Use Case
Please provide a use case to help us understand your request in context We are experiencing breaks on the database / pipeline that cause downstream effects for the front end. In the case that I don't see an error occurred on the pipeline (during the dask + prefect pipeline rewrite we will add slack notifications to the pipeline), the user should be aware that something went wrong and be asked to alert us.
Please describe your ideal solution It would be great if we could just detect critical errors? I don't know how to do that but in the case we can, reroute to a page that says "Something went wrong, we would really appreciate you filling out an issue so we can address it soon :)"
Please describe any alternatives you've considered, even if you've dismissed them Fix the pipeline to actually alert us on slack. (I'm working on it)