Counselllor / Counsellor-Web

Counselling/Recommendation System for new Undergrad Students
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Implement Authentication and Authorization with Firebase #703

Open RahulRudra81 opened 1 week ago

RahulRudra81 commented 1 week ago


I would like to work on the authentication and authorization features of the application using Firebase. Here is my proposed approach:

  1. Firebase Authentication:

    • Utilize Firebase Authentication for managing user registration, login, and authentication.
    • Implement Google Sign-In to allow users to sign in with their Google accounts.
  2. Authorization:

    • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) to manage different levels of access within the application.
    • Protect routes to ensure only authenticated users can access certain resources.
  3. Configuration:

    • Use environment variables to manage sensitive information such as Firebase configuration details and API keys.
    • I noticed that you are currently using your Firebase credentials. Should I place these details in environment files (.env) to ensure they are kept secure and configurable?
  4. Current Schema:

    • To ensure compatibility and consistency with the existing codebase, could you provide information on the current schema you are using for user data and any related authentication/authorization details?



Thank you for considering my contribution. I look forward to your feedback and suggestions.

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github-actions[bot] commented 1 week ago

Hello RahulRudra81, Thanks for opening an issue, your contribution is valuable to us. The maintainers will review this issue and provide feedback as soon as possible.

thestarsahil commented 1 week ago

Its Already been done !