Counselllor / Counsellor-Web

Counselling/Recommendation System for new Undergrad Students
MIT License
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Sign up page not responsive to Desktop #769

Open lolpanda2004 opened 4 days ago

lolpanda2004 commented 4 days ago

Describe the bug When opening the original sign-up page in dark mode it is not fully responsive to the desktop (in the bottom part). In dark mode, you can clear see the white bar at the bottom.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to desktop
  2. Click on the demo link
  3. Change to dark mode
  4. See bottom of screen

Expected behavior When turning to dark mode the entire website should be dark, the bottom of the website could be stretched out to be more responsive (without the white bar appearing)

Screenshots isue

Desktop (please complete the following information):

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

Hello lolpanda2004, Thanks for opening an issue, your contribution is valuable to us. The maintainers will review this issue and provide feedback as soon as possible.

thestarsahil commented 4 days ago

We are looking more PR from you as you can take reference from merged PR and repeatedly contribution Thanks