CountDeMonet / ArduinoProtonPack

Arduino Code for a GhostBusters Proton Pack
Apache License 2.0
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queue array not working #15

Closed JOBLOW20 closed 3 years ago

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

I've been using the code ''neutrino wand with graph'' and so far everything is working great. The only thing i'm having a problem with is the queue array. For example in the code if i replace the '' playDialogTrack(playing); ''on line 397 with ''playAudio (boxTrack, playing);'' it will then play the boxtrack normally when firing between 5 to 10 seconds . What could be causing the queueArray to not work? I am using a mega 2560 R3 and the adafruit soundboard.

CountDeMonet commented 4 years ago

What is the problem you are having when playDialogTrack is called? Is nothing happening or are you getting a random sound?

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

When the lights start flashing faster(between 5-10 seconds of holding the fire button) i let go of the firing button and the lights pause for a second and then the startup sequence happens (lights and sound).

CountDeMonet commented 4 years ago

That is really strange. It's clearly resetting the arduino. Are you using the version of the library I have here on github or the one available in the github libraries?

Generally when there is a reset I would look at input voltages but in this case there is just nothing that dequeueing a string would do to stress the hardware. Plus the mega has way more memory and power than the nano.

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

I dont know why, but i took for granted that my source of 5 volts was ok. Turns out my power supply was to low for my board. The low limit is 6 volts. So thanks for the hint. Pretty sure its going to workout now with the right voltage supply. Thanks for the support, its really appreciated.

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

The voltage was not the problem, i am going to uninstall my Arduino software and reinstall with the right libraries...

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

Uninstalled my arduino software, reinstalled it and loaded the right libraries and it is still doing the same thing... I should be receiving my nano board soon and will try with it... I'm wondering if the preferences file is causing my problem...

acfq48 commented 4 years ago

Also, double check which arduino version you're using. I've had issues with boards that required me to open an older version of the software to upload my code. It looks like I've saved version 1.6.3 and 1.8.4 for use with my proton pack.

See if that works for you.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020, 2:45 PM JOBLOW20 wrote:

Uninstalled my arduino software, reinstalled it and loaded the right libraries and it is still doing the same thing... I should be receiving my nano board soon and will try with it... I'm wondering if the preferences file is causing my problem...

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xblix commented 4 years ago

can you post all your code that help to see

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

I am using the 1.8.12 version and here is the code used:


include // Include the I2C library (required)

include // Include SX1509 library

// for the sound board


include "Adafruit_Soundboard.h"


// for led triggers

define HIGH 0x1

define LOW 0x0

// SX1509 I2C address (set by ADDR1 and ADDR0 (00 by default): const byte SX1509_ADDRESS = 0x3E; // SX1509 I2C address SX1509 io; // Create an SX1509 object to be used throughout

// bargraph helper variables int seq_1_current = 0; // current led in sequence 1 const int num_led = 15; // total number of leds in bar graph

// SX1509 pin definitions for the leds on the graph: const byte SX1509_BAR_01 = 0; const byte SX1509_BAR_02 = 1; const byte SX1509_BAR_03 = 2; const byte SX1509_BAR_04 = 3; const byte SX1509_BAR_05 = 4; const byte SX1509_BAR_06 = 5; const byte SX1509_BAR_07 = 6; const byte SX1509_BAR_08 = 7; const byte SX1509_BAR_09 = 8; const byte SX1509_BAR_10 = 9; const byte SX1509_BAR_11 = 10; const byte SX1509_BAR_12 = 11; const byte SX1509_BAR_13 = 12; const byte SX1509_BAR_14 = 13; const byte SX1509_BAR_15 = 14;

// neopixel pins / setup

define NEO_POWER 2 // for cyclotron and powercell

Adafruit_NeoPixel powerStick = Adafruit_NeoPixel(48, NEO_POWER, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

define NEO_NOSE 3 // for nose of wand

Adafruit_NeoPixel noseJewel = Adafruit_NeoPixel(7, NEO_NOSE, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

define NEO_WAND 4 // for nose of wand

Adafruit_NeoPixel wandLights = Adafruit_NeoPixel(4, NEO_WAND, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

// LED indexes into the neopixel powerstick chain for the cyclotron. Each stick has 8 neopixels for a total of // 16 with an index starting at 0. These offsets are because my powercell window only shows 13 leds. If you can show more // change the offset index and powercell count to get more or less lit. const int powercellLedCount = 14; // total number of led's in the animation const int powercellIndexOffset = 1; // first led offset into the led chain for the animation

// These are the indexes for the led's on the chain. Each jewel has 7 LEDs. If you are using a single neopixel or // some other neopixel configuration you will need to update these indexes to match where things are in the chain int c1Start = 16; int c1End = 22; int c2Start = 23; int c2End = 29; int c3Start = 30; int c3End = 36; int c4Start = 37; int c4End = 43; int ventStart = 44; int ventEnd = 47;

// inputs for switches and buttons const int THEME_SWITCH = 5; const int STARTUP_SWITCH = 6; const int SAFETY_SWITCH = 7; const int FIRE_BUTTON = 8;

// soundboard pins and setup

define SFX_RST 9

define SFX_RX 10

define SFX_TX 11

const int ACT = 12; // this allows us to know if the audio is playing

SoftwareSerial ss = SoftwareSerial(SFX_TX, SFX_RX); Adafruit_Soundboard sfx = Adafruit_Soundboard( &ss, NULL, SFX_RST);

// ############################## // available options // ############################## const bool useGameCyclotronEffect = true; // set this to true to get the fading previous cyclotron light in the idle sequence const bool useCyclotronFadeInEffect = false; // Instead of the yellow alternate flashing on boot/vent this fades the cyclotron in from off to red const bool useDialogTracks = true; // set to true if you want the dialog tracks to play after firing for 5 seconds

// Possible Pack states bool powerBooted = false; // has the pack booted up bool isFiring = false; // keeps track of the firing state bool shouldWarn = false; // track the warning state for alert audio bool shuttingDown = false; // is the pack in the process of shutting down bool poweredDown = true; // is the pack powered down bool venting = false; // is the pack venting

// physical switch states bool startup = false; bool theme = false; bool safety = false; bool fire = false; bool warning = false;

// audio track names on soundboard char startupTrack[] = "T00 WAV"; char blastTrack[] = "T01 WAV"; char endTrack[] = "T02 WAV"; char idleTrack[] = "T03 WAV"; char shutdownTrack[] = "T04 WAV"; char clickTrack[] = "T05 WAV"; char chargeTrack[] = "T06 WAV"; char warnTrack[] = "T07 WAV"; char ventTrack[] = "T08 WAV"; char texTrack[] = "T09 WAV"; char choreTrack[] = "T10 WAV"; char toolsTrack[] = "T11 WAV"; char listenTrack[] = "T12 WAV"; char thatTrack[] = "T13 WAV"; char neutronizedTrack[]="T14 WAV"; char boxTrack[] = "T15 WAV"; char themeTrack[] = "T16 OGG";

// this queue holds a shuffled list of dialog tracks we can pull from so we don't // play the same ones twice QueueArray dialogQueue; int numDialog = 7;

// timer trigger times/states unsigned long firingStateMillis; const unsigned long firingWarmWaitTime = 5000; // how long to hold down fire for lights to speed up const unsigned long firingWarnWaitTime = 10000; // how long to hold down fire before warning sounds

// Arduino setup function void setup() {
// softwareserial at 9600 baud for the audio board ss.begin(9600);

// set act modes for the fx board pinMode(ACT, INPUT);

// configure nose jewel noseJewel.begin(); noseJewel.setBrightness(100);; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

// configure powercell/cyclotron powerStick.begin(); powerStick.setBrightness(75);; // Initialize all pixels to 'off'

// configure wand lights wandLights.begin(); wandLights.setBrightness(75);;

// set the modes for the switches/buttons pinMode(THEME_SWITCH, INPUT); digitalWrite(THEME_SWITCH, HIGH); pinMode(STARTUP_SWITCH, INPUT); digitalWrite(STARTUP_SWITCH, HIGH); pinMode(SAFETY_SWITCH, INPUT); digitalWrite(SAFETY_SWITCH, HIGH); pinMode(FIRE_BUTTON, INPUT); digitalWrite(FIRE_BUTTON, HIGH);

// Call io.begin(<address>) to initialize the SX1509. If it

// successfully communicates, it'll return 1. if (!io.begin(SX1509_ADDRESS)) { while (1) ; // If we fail to communicate, loop forever for now but it would be nice to warn the user somehow }

// configuration for the bargraph LED's io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_01, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_02, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_03, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_04, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_05, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_06, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_07, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_08, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_09, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_10, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_11, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_12, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_13, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_14, OUTPUT); io.pinMode(SX1509_BAR_15, OUTPUT);

// set everything off initially shutdown_leds(); }

/* Audio Board Helper Functions / // helper function to play a track by name on the audio board void playAudio( char trackname, int playing ) { // stop track if one is going if (playing == 0) { sfx.stop(); }

// now go play if (sfx.playTrack(trackname)) { sfx.unpause(); } }

void playDialogTrack( int playing ){ // if the queue is empty reseed it if ( dialogQueue.isEmpty() ){ for (int i=1; i<=numDialog; i++){ dialogQueue.enqueue(i); } }

switch (dialogQueue.dequeue()){ case (1): playAudio(texTrack, playing); break; case (2): playAudio(listenTrack, playing); break; case (3): playAudio(choreTrack, playing); break; case (4): playAudio(boxTrack, playing); break; case (5): playAudio(thatTrack, playing); break; case (6): playAudio(neutronizedTrack, playing); break; case (7): playAudio(toolsTrack, playing); break; default: playAudio(endTrack, playing); break; } }

/* Main Loop */ int cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255; // we reset this variable every time we change the cyclotron index so the fade effect works int cyclotronRunningFadeIn = 0; // we reset this to 0 to fade the cyclotron in from nothing

// intervals that can be adjusted in real time to speed up animations unsigned long pwr_interval = 60; // interval at which to cycle lights for the powercell. We update this in the loop to speed up the animation so must be declared here (milliseconds) unsigned long cyc_interval = 1000; // interval at which to cycle lights for the cyclotron. unsigned long cyc_fade_interval = 15; // fade the inactive cyclotron to light to nothing unsigned long firing_interval = 40; // interval at which to cycle firing lights on the bargraph. We update this in the loop to speed up the animation so must be declared here (milliseconds).

void loop() { // get the current time unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

// find out of the audio board is playing audio int playing = digitalRead(ACT);

// get the current switch states int theme_switch = digitalRead(THEME_SWITCH);

// if the theme switch has recently changed from off to on we // should play the full ghostbusters theme song if (theme_switch == 1) { if (theme == false) { playAudio(boxTrack, playing); theme = true; } } else { theme = false; }

int startup_switch = digitalRead(STARTUP_SWITCH); int safety_switch = digitalRead(SAFETY_SWITCH); int fire_button = digitalRead(FIRE_BUTTON);

// while the startup switch is set on if (startup_switch == 1) {
// in general we always try to play the idle sound if started if (playing == 1 && startup == true) { playAudio(idleTrack, playing); }

// choose the right powercell animation sequence for booted/on
if ( powerBooted == true ) {
  // standard idle power sequence for the pack
  poweredDown = false;
  shuttingDown = false;
  venting = false;
  setWandLightState(3, 0, 0); //set sloblow red
  setVentLightState(ventStart, ventEnd, 2);
  powerSequenceOne(currentMillis, pwr_interval, cyc_interval, cyc_fade_interval);
} else {
  // boot up the pack. powerSequenceBoot will set powerBooted when complete
  setWandLightState(3, 7, currentMillis);   //set sloblow red blinking

// if we are not started up we should play the startup sound and begin the boot sequence
if (startup == false) {
  startup = true;
  playAudio(startupTrack, playing);

  // get the current safety switch state
  if (safety_switch == 1 && safety == false) {
    safety = true;

if( startup == true && safety_switch == 1 ){
  if( venting == false && powerBooted == true ){
    setWandLightState(1, 2, 0);    //  set back light orange
    setWandLightState(2, 1, 0);    //  set body led white
    setWandLightState(1, 4, 0);    //  set back light off
    setWandLightState(2, 4, 0);    //  set body led off

  // if the safety switch is set off then we can fire when the button is pressed
  if ( fire_button == 0) {
    // if the button is just pressed we clear all led's to start the firing animations
    if ( isFiring == false ) {
      isFiring = true;

    // show the firing bargraph sequence

    // strobe the nose pixels

    // now powercell/cyclotron/wand lights
    // if this is the first time reset some variables and play the blast track
    if (fire == false) {
      shouldWarn = false;
      fire = true;
      firingStateMillis = millis();
      playAudio(blastTrack, playing);
    } else {
      // find out what our timing is
      unsigned long diff = (unsigned long)(millis() - firingStateMillis);

      if ( diff > firingWarnWaitTime) { // if we are in the fire warn interval
        pwr_interval = 10;      // speed up the powercell animation
        firing_interval = 20;   // speed up the bar graph animation
        cyc_interval = 50;      // really speed up cyclotron
        cyc_fade_interval = 5;  // speed up the fade of the cyclotron
        if (playing == 1 || shouldWarn == false ) {
          shouldWarn = true;
          playAudio(warnTrack, playing); // play the firing track with the warning
        setWandLightState(0, 8, currentMillis);    // set top light red flashing fast
      } else if ( diff > firingWarmWaitTime) { // if we are in the dialog playing interval
        pwr_interval = 30;      // speed up the powercell animation
        firing_interval = 30;   // speed up the bar graph animation
        cyc_interval = 200;     // speed up cyclotron
        cyc_fade_interval = 10; // speed up the fade of the cyclotron
        if (playing == 1) {
          playAudio(blastTrack, playing); // play the normal blast track
        setWandLightState(0, 6, currentMillis);    // set top light orange flashing
  } else { // if we were firing and are no longer reset the leds
    if ( isFiring == true ) {
      isFiring = false;

    // and do the standard bargraph sequence

    if (fire == true) { // if we were firing let's reset the animations and play the correct final firing track
      setWandLightState(0, 4, currentMillis);    // set top light off

      pwr_interval = 60;
      firing_interval = 40;
      cyc_interval = 1000;
      cyc_fade_interval = 15;
      fire = false;

      // see if we've been firing long enough to get the dialog or vent sounds
      unsigned long diff = (unsigned long)(millis() - firingStateMillis);

      if ( diff > firingWarnWaitTime) { // if we are past the warning let's vent the pack
        playAudio(ventTrack, playing);
        venting = true;
        clearPowerStrip(); // play the boot animation on the powercell
      } else if ( diff > firingWarmWaitTime) { // if in the dialog time play the dialog in sequence
        if( useDialogTracks == true ){
          playAudio(endTrack, playing);
      } else {
        playAudio(endTrack, playing);

  // if the safety was just changed play the click track
  if (safety == false) {
    safety = true;
    playAudio(chargeTrack, playing);
} else {
  // if the safety is switched off play the click track
  if (safety == true) {
    setWandLightState(1, 4, 0);    // set back light off
    setWandLightState(2, 4, 0);    // set body off
    safety = false;
    playAudio(clickTrack, playing);

} else { // if we are powering down if( poweredDown == false ){ if( shuttingDown == false ){ playAudio(shutdownTrack, playing); // play the pack shutdown track shuttingDown = true; } cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255; powerSequenceShutdown(currentMillis); }else{ if (startup == true) { // if started reset the variables clearPowerStrip(); // clear all led's shutdown_leds(); startup = false; safety = false; fire = false; } } } delay(1); }

/* Wand Light Helpers ***/ unsigned long prevFlashMillis = 0; // last time we changed a powercell light in the idle sequence bool flashState = false; const unsigned long wandFastFlashInterval = 100; // interval at which we flash the top led on the wand const unsigned long wandMediumFlashInterval = 500; // interval at which we flash the top led on the wand

void setWandLightState(int lednum, int state, unsigned long currentMillis){ switch ( state ) { case 0: // set led red wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 0, 0)); break; case 1: // set led white wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 255, 255)); break; case 2: // set led orange wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 127, 0)); break; case 3: // set led blue wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(0, 0, 255)); break; case 4: // set led off wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, 0); break; case 5: // fast white flashing
if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevFlashMillis) >= wandFastFlashInterval) {
prevFlashMillis = currentMillis;
if( flashState == false ){
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 255, 255));
flashState = true;
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, 0);
flashState = false;
break; case 6: // slower orange flashing
if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevFlashMillis) >= wandMediumFlashInterval) {
prevFlashMillis = currentMillis;
if( flashState == false ){
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 127, 0));
flashState = true;
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, 0);
flashState = false;
break; case 7: // medium red flashing
if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevFlashMillis) >= wandMediumFlashInterval) {
prevFlashMillis = currentMillis;
if( flashState == false ){
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 0, 0));
flashState = true;
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, 0);
flashState = false;
break; case 8: // fast red flashing
if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevFlashMillis) >= wandFastFlashInterval) {
prevFlashMillis = currentMillis;
if( flashState == false ){
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, wandLights.Color(255, 0, 0));
flashState = true;
wandLights.setPixelColor(lednum, 0);
flashState = false;
break; }; }

/* Vent Light ***/ void setVentLightState(int startLed, int endLed, int state ){ switch ( state ) { case 0: // set all leds to white for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(255, 255, 255)); } break; case 1: // set all leds to blue for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(0, 0, 255)); } break; case 2: // set all leds off for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0); } break; } }

/* Powercell/Cyclotron Animations ***/ // timer helpers and intervals for the animations unsigned long prevPwrBootMillis = 0; // the last time we changed a powercell light in the boot sequence const unsigned long pwr_boot_interval = 60; // interval at which to cycle lights (milliseconds). Adjust this if

unsigned long prevCycBootMillis = 0; // the last time we changed a cyclotron light in the boot sequence const unsigned long cyc_boot_interval = 500; // interval at which to cycle lights (milliseconds). const unsigned long cyc_boot_alt_interval = 600; // interval at which to cycle lights (milliseconds).

unsigned long prevShtdMillis = 0; // last time we changed a light in the idle sequence const unsigned long pwr_shutdown_interval = 200; // interval at which to cycle lights (milliseconds).

unsigned long prevPwrMillis = 0; // last time we changed a powercell light in the idle sequence unsigned long prevCycMillis = 0; // last time we changed a cyclotron light in the idle sequence unsigned long prevFadeCycMillis = 0; // last time we changed a cyclotron light in the idle sequence

// LED tracking variables const int powerSeqTotal = powercellLedCount; // total number of led's for powercell 0 based int powerSeqNum = powercellIndexOffset; // current running powercell sequence led int powerShutdownSeqNum = powercellLedCount - powercellIndexOffset; // shutdown sequence counts down

// animation level trackers for the boot and shutdown int currentBootLevel = powercellIndexOffset; // current powercell boot level sequence led int currentLightLevel = powercellLedCount - powercellIndexOffset; // current powercell boot light sequence led

void setCyclotronLightState(int startLed, int endLed, int state ){ switch ( state ) { case 0: // set all leds to red for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(255, 0, 0)); } break; case 1: // set all leds to orange for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(255, 106, 0)); } break; case 2: // set all leds off for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0); } break; case 3: // fade all leds from red for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { if( cyclotronRunningFadeOut >= 0 ){ powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 255 cyclotronRunningFadeOut/255, 0, 0); cyclotronRunningFadeOut--; }else{ powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0); } } break; case 4: // fade all leds to red for(int i=startLed; i <= endLed; i++) { if( cyclotronRunningFadeIn < 255 ){ powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 255 cyclotronRunningFadeIn/255, 0, 0); cyclotronRunningFadeIn++; }else{ powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(255, 0, 0)); } } break; } }

// shuts off and resets the powercell/cyclotron leds void clearPowerStrip() { // reset vars powerBooted = false; poweredDown = true; powerSeqNum = powercellIndexOffset; powerShutdownSeqNum = powercellLedCount - powercellIndexOffset; currentLightLevel = powercellLedCount; currentBootLevel = powercellIndexOffset; cyclotronRunningFadeIn = 0;

// shutoff the leds for ( int i = 0; i <= c4End; i++) { powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0); };

for ( int j=0; j<=3; j++ ){ wandLights.setPixelColor(j, 0); };

if( venting == true ){ setVentLightState(ventStart, ventEnd, 0); } }

// boot animation on the powercell/cyclotron bool reverseBootCyclotron = false; void powerSequenceBoot(unsigned long currentMillis) { bool doUpdate = false;

// START CYCLOTRON if( useCyclotronFadeInEffect == false ){ if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevCycBootMillis) >= cyc_boot_interval) { prevCycBootMillis = currentMillis;

  if( reverseBootCyclotron == false ){
    setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 1);
    setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 2);
    setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 1);
    setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 2);

    doUpdate = true;
    reverseBootCyclotron = true;
    setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 2);
    setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 1);
    setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 2);
    setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 1);

    doUpdate = true;
    reverseBootCyclotron = false;

}else{ if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevCycBootMillis) >= cyc_boot_alt_interval) { prevCycBootMillis = currentMillis; setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c4End, 4); doUpdate = true; } } // END CYCLOTRON

if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevPwrBootMillis) >= pwr_boot_interval) { // save the last time you blinked the LED prevPwrBootMillis = currentMillis;

if( currentBootLevel != powerSeqTotal ){
  if( currentBootLevel == currentLightLevel){
    if(currentLightLevel+1 <= powerSeqTotal){
      powerStick.setPixelColor(currentLightLevel+1, 0);
    powerStick.setPixelColor(currentBootLevel, powerStick.Color(0, 0, 255));
    currentLightLevel = powerSeqTotal;
    if(currentLightLevel+1 <= powerSeqTotal){
      powerStick.setPixelColor(currentLightLevel+1, 0);
    powerStick.setPixelColor(currentLightLevel, powerStick.Color(0, 0, 255));
  doUpdate = true;
  powerBooted = true;
  currentBootLevel = powercellIndexOffset;
  currentLightLevel = powercellLedCount - powercellIndexOffset;


// if we have changed an led if( doUpdate == true ){; // commit all of the changes } }

// idle/firing animation for the powercell/cyclotron int cycOrder = 0; // which cyclotron led will be lit next int cycFading = -1; // which cyclotron led is fading out for game style void powerSequenceOne(unsigned long currentMillis, unsigned long anispeed, unsigned long cycspeed, unsigned long cycfadespeed) { bool doUpdate = false; // keep track of if we changed something so we only update on changes

// START CYCLOTRON if( useGameCyclotronEffect == true ){ // if we are doing the video game style cyclotron if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevCycMillis) >= cycspeed) { prevCycMillis = currentMillis;

  switch ( cycOrder ) {
    case 0:
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 0);
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 2);
      cycFading = 0;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 1;
    case 1:
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 0);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 2);
      cycFading = 1;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 2;
    case 2:
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 0);
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 2);
      cycFading = 2;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 3;
    case 3:
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 0);
      cycFading = 3;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 0;

  doUpdate = true;

// now figure out the fading light
if( (unsigned long)( currentMillis - prevFadeCycMillis) >= cycfadespeed ){
  prevFadeCycMillis = currentMillis;
  if( cycFading != -1 ){
    switch ( cycFading ) {
      case 0:
        setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 3);
      case 1:
        setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 3);
      case 2:
        setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 3);
      case 3:
        setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 3);
    doUpdate = true;

}else{ // otherwise this is the standard version if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevCycMillis) >= cycspeed) { prevCycMillis = currentMillis;

  switch ( cycOrder ) {
    case 0:
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 0);
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 2);
      cycFading = 0;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 1;
    case 1:
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 0);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 2);
      cycFading = 1;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 2;
    case 2:
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 0);
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 2);
      cycFading = 2;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 3;
    case 3:
      setCyclotronLightState(c1Start, c1End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c2Start, c2End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c3Start, c3End, 2);
      setCyclotronLightState(c4Start, c4End, 0);
      cycFading = 3;
      cyclotronRunningFadeOut = 255;
      cycOrder = 0;

  doUpdate = true;


// START POWERCELL if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevPwrMillis) >= anispeed) { // save the last time you blinked the LED prevPwrMillis = currentMillis;

for ( int i = powercellIndexOffset; i <= powerSeqTotal; i++) {
  if ( i <= powerSeqNum ) {
    powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(0, 0, 150));
  } else {
    powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0);

if ( powerSeqNum <= powerSeqTotal) {
} else {
  powerSeqNum = powercellIndexOffset;

doUpdate = true;


// if we changed anything update if( doUpdate == true ){; } }

// shutdown animation for the powercell/cyclotron int cyclotronFadeOut = 255; void powerSequenceShutdown(unsigned long currentMillis) { if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevShtdMillis) >= pwr_shutdown_interval) { prevShtdMillis = currentMillis;

for(int i=c1Start; i <= c4End; i++) {
  if( cyclotronFadeOut >= 0 ){
    powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 255 * cyclotronFadeOut/255, 0, 0);
    powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0);

for ( int i = powerSeqTotal; i >= powercellIndexOffset; i--) {
  if ( i <= powerShutdownSeqNum ) {
    powerStick.setPixelColor(i, powerStick.Color(0, 0, 150));
  } else {
    powerStick.setPixelColor(i, 0);

if ( powerShutdownSeqNum >= powercellIndexOffset) {
} else {
  poweredDown = true;
  powerShutdownSeqNum = powercellLedCount - powercellIndexOffset;
  cyclotronFadeOut = 255;

} }

/* Nose Jewel Firing Animations ***/ unsigned long prevFireMillis = 0; const unsigned long fire_interval = 50; // interval at which to cycle lights (milliseconds). int fireSeqNum = 0; int fireSeqTotal = 5;

void clearFireStrobe() { for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { noseJewel.setPixelColor(i, 0); }; fireSeqNum = 0; }

void fireStrobe(unsigned long currentMillis) { if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevFireMillis) >= fire_interval) { prevFireMillis = currentMillis;

switch ( fireSeqNum ) {
  case 0:
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(0, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(1, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(2, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(3, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(4, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(5, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(6, 0);
  case 1:
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(0, noseJewel.Color(0, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(1, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(2, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(3, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(4, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(5, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(6, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
  case 2:
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(0, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(1, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(2, noseJewel.Color(0, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(3, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(4, noseJewel.Color(0, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(5, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(6, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
  case 3:
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(0, noseJewel.Color(0, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(1, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(2, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(3, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(4, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(5, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(6, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
  case 4:
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(0, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(1, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(2, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(3, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(4, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(5, 0);
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(6, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
  case 5:
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(0, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(1, noseJewel.Color(0, 255, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(2, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 0));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(3, noseJewel.Color(0, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(4, noseJewel.Color(255, 0, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(5, noseJewel.Color(255, 255, 255));
    noseJewel.setPixelColor(6, noseJewel.Color(0, 0, 255));

if ( fireSeqNum > fireSeqTotal ) {
  fireSeqNum = 0;

} }

/* Bar Graph Animations ***/ // This is the idle sequence unsigned long prevBarMillis_on = 0; // bargraph on tracker const unsigned long pwrcl_interval = 60; // interval at which to cycle lights (milliseconds). bool reverseSequenceOne = false;

void barGraphSequenceOne(unsigned long currentMillis) { // normal sync animation on the bar graph if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevBarMillis_on) > pwrcl_interval) { // save the last time you blinked the LED prevBarMillis_on = currentMillis;

if ( reverseSequenceOne == false ) {
  switch_graph_led(seq_1_current, HIGH);
  if ( seq_1_current > num_led ) {
    reverseSequenceOne = true;
} else {
  switch_graph_led(seq_1_current, LOW);
  if ( seq_1_current < 0  ) {
    reverseSequenceOne = false;

} }

// This is the firing sequence unsigned long prevBarMillis_fire = 0; // bargraph firing tracker int fireSequenceNum = 1;

void barGraphSequenceTwo(unsigned long currentMillis) { if ((unsigned long)(currentMillis - prevBarMillis_fire) > firing_interval) { // save the last time you blinked the LED prevBarMillis_fire = currentMillis;

switch (fireSequenceNum) {
  case 1:
    switch_graph_led(2, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(14, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(1, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(15, HIGH);
  case 2:
    switch_graph_led(1, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(15, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(2, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(14, HIGH);
  case 3:
    switch_graph_led(2, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(14, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(3, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(13, HIGH);
  case 4:
    switch_graph_led(3, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(13, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(4, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(12, HIGH);
  case 5:
    switch_graph_led(4, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(12, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(5, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(11, HIGH);
  case 6:
    switch_graph_led(5, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(11, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(6, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(10, HIGH);
  case 7:
    switch_graph_led(6, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(10, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(7, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(9, HIGH);
  case 8:
    switch_graph_led(7, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(9, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(6, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(10, HIGH);
  case 9:
    switch_graph_led(6, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(10, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(5, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(11, HIGH);
  case 10:
    switch_graph_led(5, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(11, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(4, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(12, HIGH);
  case 11:
    switch_graph_led(4, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(12, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(3, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(13, HIGH);
  case 12:
    switch_graph_led(3, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(13, LOW);
    switch_graph_led(2, HIGH);
    switch_graph_led(14, HIGH);
    fireSequenceNum = 1;

} }

/***** Shutdown and helper functions ****/ void shutdown_leds() { // reset the sequence seq_1_current = 1; fireSequenceNum = 1;

// shut all led's off for (int i = 1; i <= 15; i++) { switch_graph_led(i, LOW); } }

void switch_graph_led(int num, int state) { switch (num) { case 1: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_01, state); break; case 2: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_02, state); break; case 3: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_03, state); break; case 4: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_04, state); break; case 5: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_05, state); break; case 6: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_06, state); break; case 7: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_07, state); break; case 8: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_08, state); break; case 9: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_09, state); break; case 10: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_10, state); break; case 11: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_11, state); break; case 12: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_12, state); break; case 13: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_13, state); break; case 14: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_14, state); break; case 15: io.digitalWrite(SX1509_BAR_15, state); break; } }

xblix commented 4 years ago

try changing this

const bool useDialogTracks = true;

to this

const bool useDialogTracks = false;

and see if its work

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

By changing it to false the system doesnt reboot anymore, the lights are doing what they are supposed to do but the Dialog tracks are not playing. So it is an improvement😁

xblix commented 4 years ago

try change this part like this

// see if we've been firing long enough to get the dialog or vent sounds unsigned long diff = (unsigned long)(millis() - firingStateMillis);

  if ( diff > firingWarnWaitTime) { // if we are past the warning let's vent the pack
    playAudio(ventTrack, playing);
    venting = true;
    clearPowerStrip(); // play the boot animation on the powercell
  } else if ( diff > firingWarmWaitTime) { // if in the dialog time play the dialog in sequence
    if( useDialogTracks == true ){
  } else {
    playAudio(endTrack, playing);


JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

Weird... Now its doing the same thing it did before, its rebooting.

JOBLOW20 commented 4 years ago

It Works! It was the software version. I downgraded to version 1.8.4 and now everything Works fine. Thanks for the help guys!

CountDeMonet commented 4 years ago

interesting, thanks for the info. First I've heard of issues with the compiler software version. No idea why that would matter. I'm on 1.8.12 for the record

acfq48 commented 4 years ago

Sorry boys... but...


Looks like Alex is coming away with the W this time. 😀

Congrats on getting it working. If you want to try to mod the ghost trap next check out my youtube channel. I can send you the code if you'd like.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020, 8:52 PM JOBLOW20 wrote:

It Works! It was the software version. I downgraded to version 1.8.4 and now everything Works fine. Thanks for the help guys!

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