CounterHack / HolidayHack2020

SANS Holiday Hack Challenge 2020
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The Elf Code / Ribb Bonbowford - Javascript elf game - Level 8 not accepting correct answer. #19

Closed j3ppah closed 3 years ago

j3ppah commented 3 years ago

Hi. I am having an issue, where the level 8 Munchkin will not accept my answer. Am i misunderstanding somthing, or is this a bug? Hope you can help. If the elf code is needed aswell, i can post that. Decided not to, to avoid spoilers for others.

Here is my function, that returns the correct answer (to my understanding) function Munch(myArray) { console.log(myArray) myArray.forEach((element) => { Object.entries(element).forEach(([key, value]) => { if (value === 'lollipop') { console.log(key) return key } }) }) }

Here is the console output from the game. (2 different runs) Info: [{"t3":12,"6ya4":20,"fu":"wq6hj","b32":"p3h","l8ps":42,"v5":40,"we":14},{"3yw1c":33,"dk394":"qvay","g7q":44,"plw9j":"yd4v","w4":33,"sidz":"i8","zlvl0":"nt50","ci":44,"8t4j":"1l9"},{"7142":"lollipop","0nxm":14,"7b":"1jz","7b0":"9d","xvc":19,"br08q":"j4qke","lkq":"jc0p","tx1a2":40},{"nyy":49,"9azd":12,"k5":"42z","8a8lm":39,"5xu":"zc","q6kh":28,"mr":"mh"},{"u5":13,"6v":32,"of2":21,"63jdq":36,"0uam":10,"3m":37,"udy":"af7","b8bdg":46},{"rycv":"jc","chy":"urf","dt":10,"wqvuq":"u1yt0","r4q8":"po","zvs0l":"zveq","xab7":18,"a0":20},{"qjeeg":"vlfv9","uskt":"m8g","e4il4":30,"w66ix":26,"j7":23,"b0ql":"is","x7h":"kz262"},{"jo":48,"somy":24,"reju0":"0g","e4ic4":36,"h88m":"sjhx","iv5m":"35g","1v":45}]

Info: "7142"

Error: Munchkin #0: Incorrect, your function did not return the proper key name with a value of lollipop

Info: [{"idn4":"r457","m6":"s2lo","sik9":"8x","zj7h":"dy6ud","hk":30,"lft5":"37","cj9r4":"8lsk9","9cj":17,"y0a":"8u29","b9xx6":41},{"7op9":50,"1nu":49,"rz":"0i0u","59pf4":29,"06p9":38,"mh":12,"qru0u":"dvl","haxz":"fcpbh"},{"m4r2":"nfzx","lx":"mxkdw","qtuey":"c25l","d3lx":"p7x","wihh":"jpea","aankd":44,"6p":28,"cwlt0":16},{"i0q":47,"m06z":14,"1d":"5yp","mbn":14,"1e0":21,"kq":"qa","mvkd":"xor39","cdn":30,"fyst":"uq9o","dz1x":49},{"51":26,"3hic":"1tybk","65w":"pb","xpej8":35,"n6mh":"qxf","a0pgv":33,"4gu":"5btl","jp5":"w0","k5":"hq9"},{"8u4r":19,"weh":"uvx8e","2fwy":"ar0","4r":37,"55p":"yd2dm","ro":20,"kmlp4":50,"n89":39},{"lul":"qfj","3thee":"46a4","jali":36,"0y":"rqcjs","lz":29,"mq":"5pzjq","cc":23,"wwn":31},{"fzkl":"0y","rb4":"lollipop","hgg2j":"5j","dh":"ji","t5e2":27,"14n5e":"38","xzrbu":"87ou","pm3b":"qff3","0a":"hp","4pw":20},{"26":"a8","20p":"9lqd","fk":46,"y8ui":40,"phr":29,"hmv":"ms8","to":50},{"3b4vi":"hdyj9","mig":10,"t9":"1hidk","4our":18,"8z5b":"eka","nyo":"vhmwm","qqt":"d2vu"}]

Info: "rb4"

Error: Munchkin #0: Incorrect, your function did not return the proper key name with a value of lollipop

j3ppah commented 3 years ago

additional info: i have also tried the obvious things, like key.toString(), since it is being asked as a string. but that does not change anything.

chrisjd20 commented 3 years ago

The problem is in your code. Your return statement appears to be correctly returning the desired key name (at face value). But the problem is the placement of the return statement. Its inside of two nested forEach functions which means its return ing from the it's parent foreEach statement and not from your Munch function.

This is what you have:

function Munch(myArray) {
    myArray.forEach((element) => {
        Object.entries(element).forEach(([key, value]) => {
            if (value === 'lollipop') {
                return key

As you can see, the item gets returned from Object.entries(element).forEach but not from the Munch program. You could store the results to a variable declared in the parent Munch function and simply return that value. For example:

function Munch(myArray) {
    var keyname;
    myArray.forEach((element) => {
        Object.entries(element).forEach(([key, value]) => {
            if (value === 'lollipop') {
                keyname = key
   return keyname

I didn't test (your or my) code at all so there may be something off in that but it should illustrate my point.

chrisjd20 commented 3 years ago

@j3ppah if you could acknowledge receipt of my last message. Would like to hide my comment after I know you've seen my last response. (since its a potential spoiler for others).

j3ppah commented 3 years ago

Thank you, i have got it. I will test it shortly. I don't think that is clear from the game/level description. But thank you so much for replying

j3ppah commented 3 years ago

The issue is, that when you do it the way you are suggesting, which should also be valid. It throws an error: r: TypeError: right-hand side of 'in' should be an object, got null Had the issue earlier, and decided to change it to what i have now, since the other will not compile. It is weird however, because it compiles fine locally.

j3ppah commented 3 years ago

Got it to work, but i deffinatly believe somthing is behaving a bit weird. :)! Thanks for replying!

chrisjd20 commented 3 years ago

As mentioned previously, I havent tested so there may be syntax errors but using that concept should work ( my proof of concept I came up with for testing is something similar but different ).

Alternatively, you could us the standard nested for loop instead of forEach:

function Munc(arr) {
  for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) {
      return arr[i][j];

Then any return statement would properly return from the Munch function and not from the forEach function.

chrisjd20 commented 3 years ago

@j3ppah hope that helps!